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(TFT) dwarven mascots

Dear all, here are some chums for NPC dwarf groups out there. The grey
squaargs come from an early white dwarf (21 I think)
Anyone made stats for pixies/sprites/brownies/leprechauns yet? Wanna upload

ST:40+                    MA:20
DX:12                     Armour:4 pt sandy skin
These enchanted 3-hex sand creatures resemble 4 metre high humanoid figures
with featureless faces and fists with no fingers. They inflict 3+2 damage
with their stony fists and do double damage to fortifications. Their
origins are unclear, but they can be summoned from the elemental plane of
earth. Rogue sandgorgons are known to inhabit remote deserts on Cidri. They
will cross continents to attack those who speak their names, and clever
wizards have utilized this in traps tricking victims into saying the
sandgorgon's name which summons it in 1d6 hours. The sandgorgon attacks the
one who said its name plus any who help it in combat.

ST: 12-16               MA:14
DX:12                     Armour:3 pt sandy skin
These beings resemble thin bony women with oversized hands and feet,
roughly 1.5m tall, made of sand. They are native to the elemental plane of
earth, where they seem to act as guardians of knowledge and divination.
Dwarf wizards summon them in order to divine rich veins quickly underground
as their ability to 'see' and map out subterranean terrain far outstrips
dwarves'. Unfortunately, there is a price; sandwitches prey on sentient
creatures, especially magic-using ones and this is their price for aiding
those wizards. What generally happens is that a dwarf will make a pact
whereby the sandwitch swears not to harm any dwarves and the wizard points
them in the direction of the nearest non-dwarven (and unsuspecting)
settlement.  Dwarves generally endeavour to keep their dealings with these
beings secret, and many dwarvish governments have made dealing with them
punishable by heavy fines.
Sandwitches are able to move through solid rock at a rate of 4 hexes/turn,
and may strike with a club or staff-like appendage for 1+3 damage, or cast
a missile spell - sand blast (treat as lightning bolt but is a blast of
high speed abrasive sand rather than electricity). They can also detect
metals and gems to a distance of 1 mile in all directions (though whether
they tell anyone is another matter). They are immune to fire- and
cold-based attacks, but normal damage from physical attacks.

Grey Squaarg
ST: varies                    MA:6
DX:14-16                  Armour:4 pt stony flesh
These squat automata were originally made by ancient dwarvish craftsmen,
the secret of their manufacture has been lost to most dwarvish cultures.
They understand Old Dwarvish and dwarvish(2/3 of the time only, though).
They were constructed as guardians and only kill if their charge is
threatened. Each has either unarmed combat I, II or III. Their ST is equal
to those attacking it initially. Their damage is computed from their
current ST minus wounds.  

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