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Re: (TFT) Thoughts on Cidri (hypersphere)

> I lacked the time to post this earlier in the week, so here's my thoughts.
> Someone posited that if Cidri was much larger than Earth, it would have to
> rotate phenomenally fast to have a 24 hour day, and this might help
> achieve escape velocity.


> Well, it just so happens that I know a little about this :)  Jupiter,
> the largest planet in the Sol system, has a radius 11.21x greater than
> the third planet, giving it an area 256.53x larger.  Further, it spins
> on its axis every 9h55m (in the time units of the 3rd planet).  Each Earth
> day is thus ~2.4x longer than Jupiter's.  If we posit that Cidri is as
> large as Jupiter, it would be spinning less than half as fast as Jupiter.

? I mean the facts are good but this is one of those apples and oranges
comparisons i.e. terrestrial planet compared with a gas giant. Not trying to
bash here so let me try to explain.

What we know about the gas giants can be placed in one of two categories.
First there is direct observations of the upper atmosphere, then there is
theory. Theory doesn't imply that the information is bad, but it does imply
that there is allot that we don't know. One thing theory tells us is that
the interior of Jupiter should have a state of matter that we have not
observed before, liquid metallic hydrogen. How much? Depends on who you ask.
what's beneath the liquid metallic hydrogen? Depends on who you ask. Is
there an actual planetary solid core that could be considered to be the
actual planet that rotates at a different rate from the gaseous atmosphere
and thus account for the huge magnetic field? Depends on who you ask. My
point being that simply because Jupiter rotates two and a half times faster
than the Earth doesn't mean that a terrestrial planet the size of Jupiter
but with a density that allows for 1g acceleration on it's surface could
possibly exist.

> Such a large planet has a pretty high gravity, since it has a high mass.
> If we further postulate less mass for Cidri, we can come up with other
> reasons that magic works there and a host of other fun things.

I suppose that's true but I like the explanation given by DMG;

     "They had the ability to move unaided between the many alternate world
that co-exist with Earth in other time-streams."

     "The first Mnoren used his talent only six times, . . ."

     "Three hundred years after Jen Mnoren's first jump, his descendents had
found, mapped, and conquered three hundred seventy-one alternate Earth's.
Three had space Travel; eleven had magic."

     -All quotes from ITL page 4

<Cidri is more like hyper-space than a planet proper.  It is a
meta-domain.  By that I mean it is a world of worlds.>

371 alternate Earth's
3 had space travel  0.8%
11 had magic 3%
So only about 3.8% of all worlds have either magic or space travel and the
two appear to be mutually exclusive with magic being just about 3/4ths more
likely than space travel. What is this saying?

All I can figure is that Mnoren gates have some sort of  ability that allows
a kind of 4 dimensional reality shift. Or as alluded to in the quote maybe
it's not the gates but it's a talent?

                    corners   edges     faces     solids
point            |    1     |     0     |      0     |     0
segment       |     2     |     1     |      0     |    0
square         |     4     |      4     |      1     |    0
cube            |     8     |      12   |      6     |    1
hypercube    |     16   |      32   |     24    |    8
hyperhypercube|  32 |      80    |    80     |   40

"... The math of it is simple, but it's hard to talk about because you can't
see it. Space -OUR space- may be crumpled up small enough to fit into a
coffee cup, all hundreds of thousands of light years of it. A four
dimensional coffee cup, of course."
R.A. Heinlein 'Starman Jones' 1953

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