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(TFT) Blane & SJ

Message text written by INTERNET:tft@brainiac.com
>That's when I stopped expecting players to roleplay things their
characters were good at but which the players were terrible at, such
as Diplomacy talent.  Now I'm not as hard-assed a GM as I used to be .
. .  or I sure hope not.  :^)<

This came up recently with a potential player when we were talking about
what would be 'standard operating procedure' for a character whose *player*
didn't know what standard operating procedure would be. 

I guess I'm still a hard-ass because I feel that like any improvisational
actor, you do your best to fill in the blanks as best you can - but the GM
shouldn't make every character *perfect* at their job - just because their
player's don't have the same jobs in real life. 

Improvisational actor pretend to be people they aren't all the time -
roleplaying is simply a more forgiving form of that, but part of using your
imagination is imagining what you would do in a job you will never have....

Whaddya think?

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