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(TFT) My thoughts on this break weapon business.

While I was perfectly happy to kick around some ideas for a break weapon item
with Mark, my real interest in the matter is getting immunity to break weapon
available.  The books refer to such a thing existing, but then AW doesn't
deliver the goods with how to do it.  If the only way to get the  immunity
enchantment requires that there be a break weapon item, hm, well so be it.  

But my other thought was that perhaps resistance to breakage could be bought
through the W/A enchantment.  As it is now you split whatever bonus you
enchant between plus to damage and plus to hit.  I was thinking, perhaps allow
a third type of plus, making the weapon resistant to breakage.  (I guess this
could be thought of as purchasing 'armor' points on the weapon.)   So you
could have something +2 to hit/+2 resist breakage instead of  +4 to damage.  

This would be cumulative with the break resistance of fine weapons, which
resist on a 1-3, or 1-5 for very fine ones.  So if you started with something
very fine, you could make it 100% immune to breakage with a single point of
this enchantment.

Just my 2 coppers.

(An even easier way would be to say that plus to damage inherently increases
resistance to breakage, the same way that fine weapons do.)

Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.

-William Pitt (the younger), 1783
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