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RE: (TFT) Spellcasting, Fatigue, Wounds and Arrows

Nocstar, these look like some good variant rules, though of course with some changes to wizards' abilities. A few questions:

If a wizard decides to remove his own arrow, how many empty hands and how many turns are required? If more than one and one, do you have a modifier for yanking out in one turn using one hand?

I assume a wizard can't inflict more damage on himself than would reduce

You wrote:
As I reread my post I realize I wasn't quite clear (hazards of posting in a hurry). The rule as we play it mandates that if you use your health to power the spell, you must use all your remaining fatigue.

Your original post actually says you don't have to, i.e.:

You wrote:
Because of the nature of self-preservation, no wizard can do this unless he is already within 3 of Total Fatigue. The remaining fatigue can be combined with the wounds for the total spell cost if the wizard desires but the wound penalty will still accrue. Also if as a result Total Fatigue occurs, the wizard will pass out.

So your original post specifically says it's the wizard's option to use his last fatigue points or not, when using injury to cast spells.

So say a wizard has ST 10, no fatigue and no injury, and casts a 7-ST fireball, giving himself 7 fatigue, and causing a -2DX penalty on his next turn for losing 5 or more fatigue in one turn. The next turn, he wants to cast a spell using injury for spell power. The total penalties would be -3 for having only 3 fatigue left, -2 for using injury to cast a spell, and -2 for last turn's use of more than 5 fatigue in one spell, for a total of -7 DX, correct?

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