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RE: (TFT) Armor and great ST.

what's so good about them?

-----Original Message-----
From: tft-owner@brainiac.com [mailto:tft-owner@brainiac.com]On Behalf Of
Rick Smith
Sent: Saturday, 12 March 2005 4:48 PM
To: tft@brainiac.com
Subject: (TFT) Armor and great ST.

Have you seen my Great ST rules on Ty's website?


> I think, though, that encumbrance can be streamlined. My rethink approach
> probably going to eliminate weight altogether, and go to more of a
> approach (i.e. you can have two weapons and a shield, etc.) and I'll
> probably give armor an ST rating of some sort - if you meet it you have no
> penalties, but if you are below it you get penalties. Not sure how to do
> this yet, but I'll think of something after I have a few margaritas. As
> other items (sacks of gold, backpacks with rations, etc.) I'll try to come
> up with a similar abstract mechanic to deal with it all. It won't be
> precise, by any means, but it should be more playable.
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