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Re: Re: (TFT) Using the Real World...(was Mapping Cidri / Campain proposal)

Martin Gallo writes:

>I remember reading a series of books a few (well, many) years ago that
>had a post-holocaust USA as the setting. I cannot for the life of me 
>remember the name of the author or most of the titles of the books. All
>I remember is the title of one of the books - The Fall of the Shell. I
>have very fond memories of most of those books.

Paul O. Williams' "Pelbar Cycle":

The Breaking of Northwall
The Ends of the Circle
The Dome in the Forest
Fall of the Shell
An Ambush of Shadows
The Song of the Axe
The Sword of Forbearance

Good stuff.

The other one mentioned would be Sterling Lanier's "Heiro":

Heiro's Journey
The Unforsaken Heiro

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