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Re: (TFT) Natural Magic User

If a characters race is listed as a *natural magic user* they get a bonus to
their capacity to use magic.  They have an additional reservoir of points to
power their spells.  This reservoir must be actively charged;  it is charged
by casting spells using strength, every five points of ST used to cast a
spell places one point into this reservoir.  After sleep even a short nap it
is completely drained. This ability has other advantages when used in
combination with the IQ 13 spell Moonpool.  The maximum storage capacity of
this ability is equal to the characters base strength.  Strength batteries
or the Aid spell cannot be used to directly charge this reservoir.

> Maybe it could drain at a rate of XX per hour or something.   My aversion
>> came from the idea that if a group put a whole bunch of power into an area,
>> only to have it ALL drain away when they sleep ... that just didn't seem
>> right to me.
> I think I may have misunderstood what you were saying.  To clarify; the
racial abilities of the "Natural Magic User" are specific to each
individual, a group can't power it up.  Also a wizard can't put ST directly
into this reservoir rather when he uses his base ST to power a spell, for
every 5 ST used, one ST is placed into what amounts to a pool of fatigue
points that he can use as he wishes.

This amounts to a 20% reduction in the ST cost to power Spells for one of
these races, which without the limitations placed upon this ability would
amount to a huge benefit.  To further balance this I modified other aspects
of these races, generally slowing their recovery from physical injury.

>From my campaign the natural magic users are:

*ELVES*  ...An Elf character starts with ST 6, DX 10, and IQ 8, with 8 extra
points distributed between these.  ...  Elves recover from fatigue at the
rate of one ST point every 10 minutes; and from injury at the rate of one ST
point every four days.  Elves are natural magic users.
    Elves have nominal maximum ST of 21; if you wish you elven PC to have
more than 21 ST you must pay triple the normal EXP rate.  Elvish DX and IQ
are not capped *

GOBLINS* ... in the Midori City States they comprise about 20% of the
population.  Goblins, like the somewhat rarer Common Giants, are fully
integrated into Midori culture both in politically active guilds and in the
private lives of its citizens.  They are generally well liked and so common
as to be ignored.

... starts with ST 6, DX 8, IQ 10, and 6 extra points to be added to any of
these.  They have an base MA of 10.  They recover from fatigue at 1 ST point
per 10 minutes; and from injury at the rate of one ST point every two days.
The average life span for a goblin is one hundred years.  Like elves goblin
are natural magic users, though even more so in some ways.
    A goblin has a nominal maximum ST of 15; if you wish your goblin PC to
have more than 15 ST you must pay triple the normal EXP rate after they
reach a ST of 15.  Goblin DX an IQ are not capped
    In the Midori States it is common for the wealthier Goblin households to
keep Hobgoblins (see below), as servants; this is done mostly out of a sense
of "noblesse oblige" because they are certainly not good servants.

*TITANS*  are half breed Human/Common Giants that have been engineered for
combat, and survival in hostile environments.  Their size is capped at that
for a normal human and they do not get the every 10,000 EXP strength bonus
Common Giants receive.  However they do share their Scholarly interests and
receive the same Scholar, Mechanician, Master Mechanician, Architect/Builder
and Engineer talent benefits that Common Giants do.  Titans pay twice the
normal EXP rate for attributes up to an attribute total of 40, they pay
triple the normal EXP rate between 41-60, and four times the normal rate at
61 total attributes and beyond .  A normal human size Titan might have
greater strength than a 3 hex Giant.

They start with the same attributes as a human ST of 8, DX of 8 and an IQ of
8 with 8 extra points distributed between these.  However they receive the
following advantages, a MA of 12, and they can still take the Running
talent.  The equivalents of the Dark Vision, Eyes Behind and Acute Hearing
Spells at no cost to use or to IQ.  They are completely resistant to
Chemical and Alchemical poisons, (and only poisons).  A Titan can swim
underwater with an MA of one for ten minutes before needing air.

Although they were first bred in the Midori City States, some 5000 years
ago, they are not common or often seen, and when seen not recognized as they
appear to be normal humans.  The existence of Titan's is generally known,
however many Titan's prefer to pass as human.  The lifespan of a Titan is
unknown, but they do seem to age slowly.  It is believed they reproduce
slowly and they may have lower fertility than normal, a few scholars believe
they are sterile and that the few that are recognized are all from the
initial breeding experiments.

Titans recover from fatigue at the rate of one ST point every 15 minutes;
and from injury at the rate of one ST point every day.  Titans are natural
magic users.

And for comparison:

    Humans are very common on in The Midori Campaign; making up about 75% of
the humanoids found on the main continent.
   ... They start with a ST of 8, DX of 8 and an IQ of 8 with 8 extra points
distributed between these.  Humans have a base MA of 10.  They recover from
fatigue at 1 ST point per 15 minutes; and from injury at the rate of one ST
point every two days.  The average life span for a human is one hundred
    Humans have a nominal maximum ST of 30; if you wish your human PC to
have more than 30 ST you must pay triple the normal EXP rate.  Human DX an
IQ are not capped

GIAGANTOS (the greater giants)

This race of giants very rare in the Midori City States.  They are basically
simple, peaceful farmers.

The greater Giants pay twice the normal EXP rate for attributes; they
generally have ST ranging from 25 to 40, DX of 9 or 10, and IQ of 7 to 10,
rarely higher.  Since Giagantos are so clumsy, the greatest treasure you can
offer one is something to increase DX.  A few Giagantos are wizards, slow
and without many spells, but powerful.

Giagantos usually fight with clubs and without armor; though when they
acquire armor, their great strength lets them wear it lightly.  On occasion,
too, they fight with swords or axes, or with great cesti strapped to their
hands (2 + 2, or 3 dice in HTH).

Since Giagantos are humanoid, figure their unarmed combat, weapon use, etc.,
as though they were human.  They are three hex figures.

A Giagantos begins with ST 25, DX 9, and IQ 7, and must pay four times the
normal rate to increase DX or IQ over 10.  They have a nominal maximum
Strength of 60 paying four times the normal rate to increase their ST beyond

They recover from fatigue at 1 ST point per 10 minutes; and from injury at
the rate of one ST point every day.  The average life span for a Giagantos
is one thousand years.


The Common Giant pays four times the normal EXP rate for ST and DX but the
normal rate for IQ.  They start with ST 15,  DX of 9 , and IQ of 10.  They
generally leave home to adventure at the age of 60, which considering their
multi thousand year life span is quite young.

They begin the life of an adventurer as a one hex figure only slightly
taller than a human.  They would be between 5'10" and 6'8".  Your choice.
However they tend to be much heaver, a six foot giant could weigh 300 pounds
with almost no fat on his body.  They are not built like a human having
broader shoulders, heaver bones and will be both thicker across and deeper
through their body.  The young newly adventuring giant will not have this
mass, and might weigh only 200 pounds.  They slowly get taller and more
massive, gaining about a foot in height and 100-200 pounds of weight every
1000 years (gaining more weight as they get older), ending as a 3 hex

Every 10,000 points of EXP earned increases their ST by one, these EXP
points are not expended and can still be used to purchase a ST, DX or IQ
point at normal cost.  These ST points do count as part of their attribute
total, and do increase the cost of purchasing new attributes.

They gain (with no DX penalty) one point of natural armor when their ST
reaches 20 and an additional point of armor for every 20 ST thereafter.

Despite their Strength almost all of the race of common giants place great
value on learning often becoming Scholars, and can gain the Scholar,
Mechanician, Master Mechanician, Architect/Builder and Engineer talents at
the normal cost whether they are a hero or a wizard.  Additionally they get
a +1 to DX and/or IQ in the use of these talents.

They recover from fatigue at 1 ST point per 15 minutes; and from injury at
the rate of one ST point every three days.

A Common Giant has a nominal maximum ST of 100; if you wish your Giant PC to
have more than 100 ST you must pay double their normal EXP rate for ST after
they reach that level (eight times the human rate).  A Common Giants DX and
IQ are not otherwise capped.
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