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Re: (TFT) Hirst Arts Melee/Wizard Arena

Richard Dryfus in Close Encounters comes too mind...

"Have you seen this before?"

"Yeah, I got one just like it in my livingroom."
Ceptin MINES in the backyard...

I love stuff that helps with visuals, but the expense for individual pieces comes to...
Well, the people who taught me Magic could only beat me by pruchasing expensive cards individually from the store.

I play the "let's shuffel little pieces of paper" money game cause it's blue mud for this culture, not because I believe a whit of it.
I'm not dead yet.

So to keep it even twixt the haves and the have nots, I maintain that all game componets should be able to be generally manufactured from inexpensive and readilly available materials.

F Warhammer.

The roleplaying is a seperate system from the wargaming anyway.

I'm not selling anything.

Would you like instructions on how to do the same thing with legos?

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