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RE: (TFT) TFT Mapping

< War, prior to mass media, was the most effective way to standardize behavior across cultures. >

< Salah ad-Din taught the crusaders that a live hostage is worth money.  And so Europe learned to stop killing all their prisoners.  This process has also been called civilization. >

Interesting stuff.
However, I'd like to point out a couple of things.

It's my understanding that this process has become more and more encompassing and destructive rather than more Civil.
Anthropologists tell me that Nomadic Tribes engaged in a kind of fighting I've heard referred to has "tit-for-tat".
The idea here is one of attack and counter-attack in the manner of a duel, with the action passing into story afterwards.
This is survival strategy pure and simple as there just weren't the people to throw around.
(In a VERY real sense we're talking about "Lord of the Flies" cultures with many of the pre-history tribes, with exceptions like Lepenski Vir ~6000B.C.)
(Also there's a very interesting connection between monuments like Stonehenge and getting the Nomadic habit of following Moon cycles transferred over to Sun cycles which are more useful for agriculture.)
Artemis/Diana was goddess of the Moon and,...
< scratches beard >

Agrarian societies can afford to step things up a notch from a warfare standpoint as a surplus in food translates directly into a growth in Population.
This is the heard of cattle balance.
A hundred cows and one bull equals massive heard growth whereas one cow and a hundred bulls...
Well maybe that's time to go to war...

The stuff I've been seeing on the South American Indians suggests that several of those cultures collapsed owing, at least in major part, too a gradual "scaling up" of their warfare.

The stuff I've seen recently on the Maya suggests that the culture escalated what used to be a ritual form of combat between nobles into raids that then became combat for actual conquest, and then combat for the purpose of destruction and annihilation.
They may have pushed it too far and the Population couldn't take the pressure.

I understand that it was owing to similar practices by the Inca in warfare that the tribes the Inca had driven into the mountains hated them so deeply that they aided the spanish in their conquest.

Western Civ is something of an arms race...

So I agree with the idea of war being teaching in the same manner that properly applied corporal punishment might be considered teaching.
It's easy to overdo either.

At least I'm trying to make sure that a "total war" mentality is gonna cause long-term effects.

War fixes an economy?
If your Rhet Butler.
Even He got disgusted with himself over the profiteering.

It seems like war is almost a spectator sport at first, but over time the combatants start to come after the crowd...
Technically war has no rules.

Oh yeah, in "The Soul of a New Machine" Mr. Kidder describes semiconductors as "...it is if they are stones performing useful work."

And he also talks about how West's team (Unit) didn't have a "charter" to build a new machine from scratch like N.C. so...

Laws of Cnut 1-5
Circa 1000A.D.

0.1 This is the secular law which I wish, with the advice of my counselors, to be held all across England:

1. First, that I wish that proper laws should be raised up and all outlawry should certainly be felled, and that one should weed out and root up all unrightfulness, as best one can, from this land, and raise up God's law.
2. ... ( ? I don't know for sure why this was omitted. The section is an appendix on Paganism so perhaps that's why. )
3. And we command that Christian men ought not to be sold out of the country so often nor brought to heathen lands; but be on guard lest one's soul be destroyed, which Christ purchased with His own life.
4. And we command that everyone eagerly begin to clean this land in every part, and cease everywhere from sinful deeds.
4a.   And if witches or sorcerers, murderers or whores are caught anywhere in this land, drive them out of the country immediately, or put them away, unless they desist and more fervently amend themselves.

4.1  And we command that traitors and outlaws from God and man depart from this land, unless they submit and more readily amend themselves.
4.2 And thieves and public criminals perish, unless they cease.
5 And we strictly forbid all heathenism. Heathenism is the worship of idols, that is, when one worships heathen gods, and the sun or moon, fire or flood, watery springs or stones or any kind of forest tree, or prefers witchcraft or commits murder in any way, either by sacrifices or sorcery, or undertaking any such vain things.

Canons of Edgar no. 16

And it is right that every priest eagerly teach Christianity and crush all heathenism; and forbid the worship of springs, and necromancy, and divination and incantations, and the worship of trees and stones, and the devilish trick people perform in which a child is dragged across the earth, and the superstitions practiced with various auguries on New Year's night and at pagan shrines and elder-trees, and a great many other errors which men practice much more than they should.

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