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Re: (TFT) Focus, grasshopper.

I think by this point it should go without saying that there's something wrong with Jay, but for any of those out there what missed it, or for those of you who are just joining us take note; Jay's a little "special".

Needless to say that it is conceivable that Jay might possibly, if you stand back REAL far (and squint), have made a mistake or two in his life at some point or the other.

< acknowledges the shocked gasps he imagines are erupting around the world at this bombshell >

So, as I sip my coffee this fine Saturday morning (Irish today!) I am inspired to try and learn a little more from my mistakes.
I'll focus on the minor, or physical stuff.

So I've punched through a few things before.
This has earned me two really good scars, a couple of wussy scars and a really, really, crooked pinkie finger on my... uhh on one hand (he says remembering there are combat masters on this list, but Jay doesn't go to the doctor so government records won't tell you...)

Anyway, the point is, all the scars run at the same angle.
Also, all of them were, most assuredly, my best effort plus a little something.
Both ways most of the times.

The angle is ~45 degrees.

The question is, how hard does Jay hit when he's serious?

It was a nail that got me going through the door, and the window was just stupid.
Lathe and plaster splinters are just annoyances for cuts but they do bleed and over time, especially with sweat...

Instruct ME on how to modify my behavior?
We put Japanese military personal to death for water-boarding in WW II.
Until I see the same from the government, I take this a but one of a very large number of signs that we are in a time of Princes.
The republic is a joke.

Conduct yourselves accordingly me droogies.

I'll bet Madoff  "dies" or something really soon.
It'll be in a flurry of other 'news' and junk.
Think he's gonna be really dead?

Let's say that I want to get the publics attention on something other than what I'm trying to do.
Think magician, just on a bigger scale.
If bad news plays better than good news, I'd best make some bad news.
Go ahead and send some black hats out to anytown usa and pop a few citizens at random.
Space it out awhile and build the tension.
We'll give you coverage, and make our moves while the Plebes are in a lather.

NO! Our government would NEVER do anything like that to us.
We're all AMERICANS for gods sake, they love us!

We all believe what we want to believe.
I propose to go out in a blaze of glorious envy.

Think Nervous System and read 'The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress'.

You have to target the correct cells.

It's the same thing as a cure for cancer.

I don't wanna nuke Wyoming just to make sure that a chief cancer cell is not allowed continued existence, at least in the body of the u.s. but unless the white cells in WY pony up, chemotherapy remains a treatment option that's on the table.

Sometimes you gotta hurt to heal.

Does this sound harsh?
"I" didn't make the mess, and I have every right to my opinion.
I'm talking about it here because I think that in the same way Quake made it possible to go out and cap a bitch w/o making it real, I think I can simulate wars, revolutions and more w/o going out and doing it.

Why watch a movie about bank robbery (Dog Day Afternoon)?
Cause it's something I'll probably never do.
Why write a scenario about a bank robbery?
Cause I can do a better job than a hollywood screenwriter, NOT because I wanna rob a bank.

Why do revolutions?
Hella good stories there for one.
I prefer 'The Discourses' for another.
It's "upscaled" killing for a third, and that's what these games have been based on so far so suck it up boyz cause I'm gonna give you holocaust as a balance point.
The fourth is a simple threat.
I use five dimensions.

(If I walk through a 4d doorway with a Mobilus twist what does it look like?)

Let's suppose that they will use the freed-up airwaves for broadcasting the sense data from the cameras, etc. of all these RCV do-hickyes the pentagon boys have now.
See Fort Knox. (Las Vegas has the Air Force boys I think)
Remember 'odin coils'?
I don't know, but some emp generator could be real interesting.
They should have absolutely NO PROBLEM with me experimenting with such in say July if I'm just crazy about this.
I won't be screwing with ANYBODYS reception right?

Uh hu.

I'm a nut, I know.
I wanna be able to express this stuff in game terms and I'm getting better and better at it.

It happened to me with Final Fantasy X.
The first one I never finished... yet. (I was just given an old PS2)
I got stuck on the soccer mini-game.
I was happy there.
Screw the quest.
Of course the world would have ended from that attitude but so what? It's going to anyway, why struggle to extend happiness for the rest of us, much less those too come, just grab what you can.
It's that speed factor I've spoken of.
I can show you my vision of the path in the future via the game, and you can correct it with research and communication.
Then it's no longer just "mine", at that point of input the gameworld becomes ours.
Give a player a share in what's going on and the campaign gains potency.

GM's beware!

A more equitable solution may run something like this.
I have a series of programmed adventures that nobody can read.
The reason is because I'm asking a lot from a little, ergo I've got something of a shorthand that only applies to Jay currently.
In my defense it packs a lot of information into a few characters.
I put a lot of information into the tools also, and players can get the info as a gestalt, much like advertising but w/o the predatory nature.

Anyway, the stuff works on several scale levels.
First, it works as a programmed adventure in three sets of three.
How you end one determines how you start the next.
There is a hero/villain balance to that part.

Each scenario is designed to be a "plug in" type encounter, suitable for inclusion in 'random encounter tables' or a beer and pretzels 'one night stand'.
In other words, the ship stuff is a kind of mini-game, as is flying, as is war, etc.

It also has a campaign aspect to it and this is my point.
Rather than having a GM at the campaign level the thing is set up like a game of Risk.
Each player is a GM of their own county so to speak, and large-scale moves are handled in the manner of a board game.
Think Diplomacy, or Kingmaker.
Or for that matter, trade in the old Civilization board game from Avalon Hill.

I use a LOT of cards.
It beats the bell curve sometimes.

What's the old saw about how a man who tries to improve himself has to be prepared to look like an idiot?
Lord I butcher english.

Anyway, the point is that no one player in the RPG-Group has to be the GM.
You wanna be GM over the whole world (you little Hitler) FINE!
Take it from the rest of us, and keep it.
Just because you might manage to take all the provinces, (nobody's done it yet) doesn't mean you get to keep them.

Have you ever tried to set something in motion that you knew was gonna take time to build?

Uhhh, I'm outta coffee.

Cuppa, cuppa, cuppa!

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