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Re: (TFT) ST Aid Questions

< Wow! Wish I had your dedication and persistence! >

Be careful what you ask for!
The line between dedication and dementia is thinner that the one between love and hate.
"I" wish I could sit on the couch and watch the new Star Wars anime with MY kids.
The good lord took one look at me and said THAT one is too weird to breed.
I'm too flaky to be a parent anyway.

< That's a *lot* of work. >

It's gotta be that persistence thing.
Type a little something everyday and you'll end up finding that you've filled up a floppy with... well who knows what but it's little benchmarks like that which kind of sneak up on me that help too keep me going.

< *Thank you*, on behalf of the hobby in general, whether it ever 
comes to fruition or not! >

That's even better than useing up my first pencil...
Thank YOU Mark!
This makes my heart smile.
It gives me hope that maybe I CAN do this.

< But I'll be looking forward to "TFT Olympics" in September! I suspect 
some of my wizard characters will be a mite disappointed.... :-) >

Actually, nothing in the rules says that a wizard can't spend an hour a day doing exercise, but that hour is gonna cut into his study time...

Also, wizards will find that spells work on a kind of mental muscle memory.

This all has to do with Talents.
I don't use IQ to limit a Figures number of Talents, instead I use a 24 hour day.
To simplly maintain fittness requires an hour a day for example.
So Talent (1) indicates a hour a day is required to maintain the Talent with out atrophy (adding dice to the check until the Figure is back to the standard check for a Figure w/o the Talent.)
If you don't pick up your Principles of Physical Cosmology for several years you might find that you have to strugle a bit... of course this could just be me...
Talent (2) needs 2 hours a day to maintain and etc.
IQ serves to modify the number useing 10 as a base average.
IQ 10 indicates a perception (how long to regester what I see) of 0.2 seconds.
0.2 seconds perception indicates about 300 perception moments in 1 hour.
Perception time is 2 seconds / IQ.
Ergo IQ 11 has a perception time of 0.18 or about 333ish perception moments per hour.
IQ 9 is 0.22 @ ~273.
Yes high IQ makes you learn faster.
Unless it's a physical Talent.

Physical Talents are somewhat similary modified via DX for mastery (1 second / DX instead of 2 seconds. Nerves work faster.) but via IQ for expertise. (mastery for preforming the Actions, expertise to understand the Actions well enough to teach them to others giving me double duty from each Talent)

I know, I know... but I've made up a slide rule...
Then there's the oscillater circut I've bastardized basicly consisting of an LED and a Potentiometer.
Cranck down the dial and the thing flashes once every 2 seconds.
Just turn the dial until the LED looks like its always on and that's your TFT IQ.
"It's like I told my first wife, I never drive faster than I can see. Anyway it's all in the reflexes!"
I'm just a baby step away from calling the thing a "theta" meter and setting up shop.
< humms Brain Damage >

Of course, for many Talents all this practice is gonna cost money...
Can't practice Courtly Graces and be a mooch at the same time for example.
I had to wait for digital TV before I could get TV's for free.
2 more old school satlite dishes and Jay will have his VSA (very small array).
I figure I can optical Jupiter with the thing.
Right now it's a lot of playing with electron guns.
Bettchya I can knock out some robot reception if'n I can configure the magnets right.

There's LOTS of things to fit into a day.
Think of it as a kind of "marching order" except for Downtime.
A Figure that dosen't fit in at LEAST 30min for the tripple S's gets a negative mod on their reaction checks.
I call this the "funky gamer" effect after someone who made me laugh a yearish ago or so.

Then too, there's the issue of doing a Talent as a Job...
Work is a real bugger in a 24 hour day.
I mean, sure you can burn the candle at both ends for a little while, but all that acumulated fST is gonna catch up to you.
Ever cram for a test?

"What kind of training soldier?"

< Jay sings >



Your bloody well right.
You got a bloody right to say...

Decus Et Tutamen indeed.
What in the wide wide world of sports is this bloody One Pound coin made outta cause she surely don't ring like my Morgan or even my 20p.
I find it rather funny that I can hammer cathodes and anodes outta old and new pennies.
DON'T let them sell you a load about getting rid of the penny however.
They already get the fractions, see Superman III or Office Space.
The idiot who says we'll save all this time counting change is full of it.
The time just shifts to nickels while they get to make whole pennies do the 9/10th of a cent trick.
Greedy bastards.

I suspose it's no secret that I'm a liberal, but I'm a Les Felsenstine kinda liberal.

< Cranks up me Thunderclap Newman >
There's something in the air indeed...

"My brothers a genius eh. He once got our dead battery started with like bird feces and spit!"

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