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Re: (TFT) chances of doing very little damage

That sorta sounds like Aces and Eights for Western games... That was a fun system, but it was quickly discovered (realistically) that any sort of gunfight taking place between two guys on an open street... think a 'duel'... quickly resulted in almost everyone being dead or very badly injured, usually after the first second or so.

Oh, and if a guy had a rifle, he could basically just shoot people on sight (from a distance) and usually win.

Realistic, but we ended up having to add in 'cover' which felt 'unwestern' to some people.... which is strange.
On Aug 4, 2011, at 3:17 PM, raito@raito.com wrote:

The more I look at things, the more systems like Swashbuckler, En Garde! and the infinitely detailed Emersonian variant of D&D make some sense. All of those systems involve aynchronous timing in preference to lock-step turns. For those unfamiliar... En Garde and Swashbuckler essentially used the same system, where one could only initiate a combat maneuver when one had completed the last maneuver. And maneuvers took more than one step. For example, a heavy-damage cut might take 5 steps, where the cut actually occurs on the 4th step, and during the other steps nothing happens. So if someone else's attack is supposed to hit on the 3rd step, you have no defense. Generally, parries took 2 steps, with the actual parry on the second step. Emersonian was even more complex, with physical and mental reaction times, etc. But then, Emerson Mitchell was a math geek. (and trying to find current references for him did turn him up, as a fan of Loglan, and another guy named Greg Rihn that I used to know). But the one thing that none of these systems considered was position. Not so much as in body position, but weapon position. I know from my experience that most of my SCA fights (and kendo fights, and all fencing bouts, and most of all the martial arts, come to think of it) is about getting into the position where your offense is unopposed. It's very seldon that you can just flat outspeed your opponent and hit him as a one shot thing, or use so much power that you just blast through his defense. That's kind of the tradeoff -- defense is easy, but doesn't win. Offense is risky, but wins. When I was in high school, I programmed a somewhat turn-based fencing simulation where the actions you could take were advancing and retreating, thrusting, and moving your blade among the 8 classical fencing positions (actually, there's 9, except that we don't use 9, and we don't use 1 in epee or foil, so there were really 7). If your blade was in a position, your opponent couldn't land a thrust through the line your position was in. It was quite a bit of fun. Some of these sorts of systems lend themselves well to computer moderation.
Neil Gilmore

Quoting PvK <pvk@oz.net>:
Thanks Neil!

(I think) I remember you objecting to Clements when I mentioned him years ago. I will be making some time to do a review of all of this some time soon. It will
be good for the game design I'm doing.
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