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(TFT) Contest?

As mentioned in a recent thread, TFT has no direct way of handling character stat vs. character stat actions, from here on in called Contests.

There are, arguably, a few ways that this isn't entirely true.... having a higher DX lets you act first or delay your action, giving you some tactical advantage. More ST means you take more hits. In effect, in combat, both sides have to use their stats so much that it effectively works out not unlike a Contest, as the higher ST, higher DX player is more likely to hit, do damage, and survive damage.

However, one thing in combat that is not in any way a Contest is Parrying (unless you interpret things so that a player with a lower dx, having not taken his action yet, will be incapable of defending against a higher dx player... though that seems a bit harsh, and still doesn't let a higher dx player defend and attack effectively, meaning all it accomplishes is a delay in the fight). This has always bothered me (but not enough to actually change it, yet), and so it seems like a good place to add Contest to combat, and to extrapolate more Contest rules from there.

Now, fundamentally, a contest doesn't need to mean both sides are being 'checked' in the traditional 3d6 sorta way. It just needs to incorporate both sides.

So, first rule: a successful parry allows a Counter-Attack at -2 (?) DX for the defender.

Second rule: the number of d6 your opponent rolls is determined by the defender's d6, but only when the defender parries.

DX/3 rounded down= number of d6. For any player that this would make no difference for, they may still parry at 4d6, but then sacrifice the counter attack (they don't get one.... i can't see why you would parry to counter attack, either, unless the parry had effect, so its mandatory to just give up the counter attack and gain the bonus die).

8: 4, no counter
9: 4, no counter
10: 4, no counter
11: 4, no counter
12: 4, counter.
13: 4, counter
14: 4, counter.
15: 5, counter.

and so on.

Finally, Third Rule: If two players both choose parry, they both get a counter attack in a 'second round' of that turn.... but the higher DX player gets no -2 (both still count as parrying). This will prevent stalemates from being too frequent.

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