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Re: (TFT) Guns in TFT - A big expansion.

Hi Jeff, everyone.

My point was I was fed up with proprietary formats and would 
continue to use open formats from now on.  

Saying so hardly constitutes an attack on you. 

I could angrily say that I won't read or comment on any of your 
new rules, and creatures and new spells and new talents, but 
I won't.

Regards, Rick

On 2016-06-17, at 1:52 AM, Jeffrey Vandine wrote:
> My original post was merely pointing out that a lot of people don't have or
> use the program.  Indeed, aren't even aware that it exists.  You
> and some other guy decided to attack me for suggesting that you might reac
> h a wider audience by saving as something more commonly in use.  So do
> whatever you want.  I don't actually give a flying eff.  I happe
> n to use LibreOffice myself, and have, along with its predecessor, OpenOffi
> ce, for years.  However, if you choose to minimize your audience, knoc
> k yourself out.
> Henceforth I'll refrain from commenting on any of your stuff.  Have a 
> nice day.

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