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Re: Sooo THIS just happened.

Still stuck on GRIPES as a working title but this news temps Me to damn the fealies full effort on the insults if the bloody thing gets reprint w/new art but nada done toward actually FINISHING it, especially if it comes in at 2 or 3 times the page total w/buttkiss additional content... Space Gamer articles are a given by the by so that's a no go yo I'm talking stuff like the purposed material outlined by Metagaming before the belly up mechanics here NOT a boatload of "lore" bore ballyhoo that brings nothing to bare on the 4k blackburn holes She has where the rain gets in 'n sounds like a drum distracting people from My protest march promoting freedom from Game Organizational Director "meta"-Players mucking up My participatory storymaking with their Player choice poo pooing plots fiat acompling free will to push a model of passive presentation mediums because it's familiar and straightforward compared to rastling round with Rosebuds... by any other name is someone else's fart much like this flatulence I'm inflicting fluently if I might be forgiven the flattery My feckulence forces on Cest Moi Prost!
Potty humor is SOOOO alimentary but I canal help Myself... or stop Myself... mark My words, commando only covers so much of the clean undies conundrum in case of accident as much like winter in another game of thrones laundry is coming...
Okay... Dr Freud My $#!^'s showing but better to have coke and just smile rather than try touching this psyche... just sayin...

Anyway, noting some more interesting crap I consulted with some venture capital that tried tossing monies at the likes of Me.
This was obviously a huge warning sign SOMETHING screwy was shaking round in the situation and surprised Me somewhat until I sussed out the specifics which screw with My say so on what form a final product would take rolling out and the world made sense again mostly but still left Me noodling the niggling bit about carrotsticking lil ol Me at all as... I mean ME. Seriously...
Best guesstamation I got runs with the deep pocket disney et al defamation of pop culture pretty much generally as evidenced by what's been done in areas like star whores or marvel comicbooks coupled with the push to go service model on viddie gaming and perhaps gaming as a gestalt if I glean the gobbeltygook I got from the mountain top properly... probably not.
I'm not even committed to the undermining of popular culture as coordinated conspiracy cocopuffs as it gets complicated such as espn which went off the deep end but the bidding likely burdened the brand badly over the years regardless of the pivot to pc cuck sepiko switch currently being enacted in that arena and BFE ain't the easiest local to take tea readings of the total health of hobby culture across the larger scales not too mention the control the textbooks 20 years timeframe to indoctro those knowing nothing better while those that did drop like old guard science scions fixed as firmly in their faith as any other frocked ecleastical is