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Re: Rolled an 18 on porting the list software... it's been fun, thanks!


Thanks for all the work over the years. It was amazing discovering a community that kept TFT alive during the "dark times".

I still use the archives from time to time to research various TFT related ideas\rules for my games and will continue to do so 😊


-----Original Message-----
From: tft-owner@brainiac.com <tft-owner@brainiac.com> On Behalf Of Joe Hartley
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2024 8:13 AM
To: tft@brainiac.com
Subject: Rolled an 18 on porting the list software... it's been fun, thanks!

It's with a sad heart that I announce that it's time to close down the TFT mailing list.  The current brainiac server has been good to me, but it's getting old and some components are showing their age, especially the SSDs.
Rather than replace them, I've purchased a new server and put a modern Linux on it, only to find that the sofware that manages the list refuses to work properly.  I've spent a lot of time (too much, according to some) in trying to get it to work, but the software has been abandoned for some time now.
I could spend more time installing a new package, but the learning curve is steep, especially trying to port the archives, and the reality is that things have moved on.  There have only been eight posts in the last two years, and it's not enough to justify further effort, so the list will be going dark over the weekend of Feb. 3rd, 2024.

It's been a great run!

The first message was posted on June 28, 1998 - over a quarter-century ago! - back when dialup was far and away the most prevalent way of getting online.
The whereabouts of Howard Thompson were a mystery and the Metagaming games, especially Melee, Wizard, and TFT, languished in obscurity.

Today TFT is more popular than it ever was.  Steve Jackson was finally able to recover the rights to his games and the forums at SJGames.com is a thriving community.

The archives will remain online at https://tft.brainiac.com.

I'm grateful to you all for being such a big part of my life!  I had no idea when I started the list that it would be such a long-running project, but as the say, "All good things..." and this has been a very good thing indeed.

Thank you.

       Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh@brainiac.com  Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa ===== Post to the entire list by writing to tft@brainiac.com.
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