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Re: (TFT) cyclopes & fomorianism

Cas Liber wrote:
> come to think of it, not only ettins but cyclopes could be viewed as 
> giants affected with fomorianism (cast out & stuck on subtropical 
> islands where they get very grumpy while waiting for adventurers to 
> fight.....) suggestions?

It's certainly possible, and logically there should be the possibility
of *bad* mutations (like having one eye) as well as swell ones that 
give alertness, eyes behind, etc.  Cyclopses would have a DX penalty
with thrown weapons, I'd guess.

I stuck with the mutations I did because they (and eyes behind) 
mirror the AD&D Fomorian - which has a reduced chance of suprise.
But obviously there's no special reason to limit the possible 
changes to those few talents.

OTOH, I'd advise against trying to go *too* far with the mutations... otherwise
you may end up with a critter more like a Chaos Ogre from 
Warhammer FRP. It's just a matter of taste, I'll admit, but I'm a bit
leery of Warhammerizing TFT.

Also, I don't know if anyone has developed cyclopses already in some 
other way...  

Come to think of it, there's a mention of the (original) Cyclops in 
an early TSG...there's an article setting up some classic fights from
mythology, and one of them involves Mr. C.  I don't remember, but I 
think he's treated as a normal giant in that article.  Need to have a 

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