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Re: (TFT) Proposal: Paladins and Anti-Paladins in TFT

> Any thoughts, suggestions, violent reactions ?

Here's two ideas.  To stay within the "talent" 
concept, you could just add two talents:

  Paladin (prerequisite: Warrior and Priest) 
  - allows some sort of healing

  Paladin II (prerequisite: Veteran and Theologian) 
  - grants some sort of protection from supernatural 
    evil, allows better healing

Alternately, just tell the player that there aren't any
paladins running around but that he's heard stories about
this sort of thing and there are a few figures in history
that seemed to attain this status.  Let him research it.
If he talks to priests, they can tell him about these 
historical paladins, but not much else (other than the
implication that donating large sums of money would be 
helpful).  None of this bears a whole lot of fruit, but
if the character starts conducting himself like a paladin,
*even though he isn't getting anything for it*, *even 
though its annoying and expensive*, and he *keeps* doing
it for some time, THEN the gods will smile on him.  Perhaps
not real reliably at first, but improving as time goes on.  

I always thought that the AD&D "I'm a Paladin until proven
otherwise" approach was sort of putting the cart before 
the horse. 

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