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(TFT) considering wizard workshop fumbles

I guess some monsters could be the result of fumbles, and fleshed out a
manticore's description as follows

ST:30                            MA:10/16
DX:11-12                      Armour:1 pt skin
These 2-hex monsters are stupid, aggressive lion-bodied, bat-winged
humanoids with reddish skin and numerous rows of shark like, pointed teeth.
Manticores are found in warmer climes, in desolate areas as they have often
eaten or ruined everything nearby.
They attack with claw/bite for 2-1 damage or a volley of tail spikes, firing
6 a turn for up to 4 turns, inflicting 1+1 damage each (accuracy as per
Manticores are the result of a failed experiment long long ago, where a
wizard attempted to mix a man (for intelligence), with a bat (for flight)
and a lion and shark (both for ferocity; sharks are resistant to disease).
Unfortunately, the resultant creature, the first manticore, also had the
intelligence of a shark  and was a hunting and killing machine, totally
unable to be trained. Furthermore, it escaped and was able to breed with
large felines (lions, tigers, sabretooths, pumas) and the offspring were
always manticores. Manticores mature quickly and are long lived and
resistant to most diseases. They are rapacious and always hungry and will
hunt and eat anything organic. All manticores are considered to have
alertness and some of the electromagnetic sensory equipment of their shark
parents. They thus get an automatic 2/IQ roll for any illusion they come
across, which is automatic and not counted as an action for a combat turn.

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