Speaking of boomerangs, it just occurred to me that all a boomerang is is a chunk of wood, i.e. a club. Logically a boomerang should do one-handed club damage based on the thrower's ST. (After all, a /club/ does club-like damage when thrown, so why not a boomerang?) An average ST 11 fighter does 1+1, while a ST 25 giant does 3-1 (1+6 rationalized). Of course get rid of the ST minimum for boomerangs as well, since damage is now tied to ST. Sound good? (Boomerang-throwing giants -- now /there's/ a scary thought! 8^)>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I guess none of you has seen a sharpened boomerang (I believe the correct term is "hunting boomerang" as opposed to your "training boomerang"). Basically given a good wood (with a little heat I think) you can sharpen and harden a wood edge pretty nicely, and it's no club anymore. I figure ironwood, maple, or oak would do nicely from the list of US woods, but Oz has some nice woods that could work better. I figure you can get hit with that sharpen boomerang moving at a higher speed than your basic broadsword.
I would agree that a training boomerang or children's toy that we see in the US is basically a club. Don't we have any Aussie's on this list that can set the record straight or are you all city dwellers.
I think I remember that hunting boomerangs don't necessary return, but I could be wrong about that.
Michael -- Michael Kluskens <mkluskens@yahoo.com> ===== Post to the entire list by writing to tft@brainiac.com. Unsubscribe by mailing to majordomo@brainiac.com with the message body "unsubscribe tft"