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(TFT) Time Jump


There is a saying that Time is the fourth dimension. I do not think time is THE fourth dimension. Others have said that time is the fifth, or sixth dimension. I don't think making it a higher dimension is right either. This paper will show an example of the spatial obstacles that have to be overcome in order to time travel. It concludes with the question "How many dimensions is time?" During a time jump of one week the Earth will move around the sun, and won't be anywhere near its current location. With a time jump of one year the earth will be back here again. What is easier To travel back in time a week or a year? What ever energy is required to travel through time, additional energy is required to compensate for changes in the planets position. During a time jump of one week the Earth will have moved around the sun, and won't be anywhere near its current location. With a time jump of one year the earth will be back here again. Thus to Time Jump one week will require more energy to compensate for the temporal displacement. That is unless one wants to Time Jump directly into a vacuum. All of this is relative to the sun. The sun is moving around the Galaxy. This distance too, must be compensated for. When added in, it becomes easier to travel a week than a year. Also the galaxy is moving. The energy required to compensate for these accumulating distances in space, become quite large. I submit that in order to ever achieve Time Travel one would have to first determine where the absolute center of the Universe(s) is(are). Example: They build a space ship for Joe, with communications and navigation equipment. The drive on the ship is a Time Jumper. Joe goes one day into the future. Now he finds himself about two and a half million kilometers from the earth. The earth had an entire day to travel that distance whereas Joe just got here. Now since Joe was originally riding on the Earth, he and the Earth should have the same orbital velocity around the sun, but energy will have to be spent to close the distance and catch up to the Earth. Also, if Joe's exact position relative to his exact position at departure is calculated, then one should be able to work the math backwards and determine the absolute center of the Universe(s), or more importantly how many vectors and orbits the Earth is following relative to all matter. The question at this point is not "is time THE fourth dimension", but "how many dimensions is time". What if in the first Time Jump Joe wound up an additional ten million kilometers below the earth. We would then be able to determine that the galaxy, or cluster of galaxies, that we are part of is moving in the direction of the North Star at that rate. Once the Absolute center of the Universe(s) is calculated (probably requiring the development of new
astronomy in the process) Time Jumping could be used to get to the moon.
By waiting till 3.584 hours before the moon is directly behind the earth in its orbit, and jumping to the future 3.584 hours one should arrive in proximity to the moon. The distance of the moon from the earth (on average) converts to approximately 3.584 hours of the Earth's orbital velocity. The better the math, and knowledge of Absolute Center, the greater chance of making a perfect landing. Even an infinitesimal error could put someone inside of the moon instead of on it. In my fantasy campaign, I assume that wizards have no knowledge of the absolute motion of the Universe(s). In fact may of them think the sun moves around the earth, though they do tend to be bad guys and monsters. In the face of this and to continue allowing the use of Gates I have ruled that Gates are "locked" to an object or planet only if it is within its atmosphere. Once in orbit the object, or Gate, becomes a satellite of that object. An object on the Earth that is Time Jumped 1.75 hours away from the earth will no longer be either on the Earth, or in its Obit. Due to the fact that it has the same vector around the sun that the Earth does, and even though it could be halfway between the Moon and the Earth (being much closer to them than the Sun), it still means that it would now be considered in orbit around the Sun.
    David Michael Grouchy II

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