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Re: (TFT) Gunfire again

From: "Grabowski" <grabowskis@earthlink.net>

Does over 20 years of firing blackpowder smoothbore weapons count(6lb.
cannon to pistol).  I was the 18th century military specialist for the
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation that runs the Yorktown Victory Center and
Jamestown Settlement.  I have written a whole bunch for this list on the
blackpowder weapons subject. See the archives.  My times are correct.  The
reason the 18th Century Pennsylvania long rifle was used less than
smoothbore weapons of this period was speed but it had more to do with its
ability not to hold an attached bayonet. How far can you run in 45 seconds?
Rifle could not be loaded on the run without the use of a massive amount of
time in loading.

Yours in Cidri,

Let me make sure I have this right. Are you telling me that there was a blackpowder weapon that could have a fixed bayonet, and still fire, before Wellington and Waterloo? I thought that up till then gunpowder weapons could either fire, or have fixed bayonets. I thought it was Wellington who introduced use of the side mounted bayonet.
    David Michael Grouchy II

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