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Re: (TFT) Solo 1 & Civil War Data needed

I think the weapon damage is a little bit too much for the fire arms.  More men were wounded than killed out right.  8d6-3??? who the heck came up with this randomness?????  That would average out killing a normal person outright every time.  Maybe 4d6-3 would be better.  As far as the bayonet goes make it a spear with no two hex reach.
Yours in Cidri and its been awhile,
----- Original Message -----
From: Neil Gilmore
To: tft@brainiac.com
Sent: 6/8/2001 6:44:33 PM
Subject: Re: (TFT) Solo 1 & Civil War Data needed

> BAYONET *, 1d6 damage, Min. ST 4, 0.1 kg, Costs $45, need Knife (7/1) to
> use
I'd disagree with this. Treat the bayonet as a dagger if it isn't mounted.
If it is, treat it as a javelin, except for skills (i.e. pole weapon w/o 2
hex jab, use either Pole Weapons, or a 7/1 skill for just bayonet).
Neil Gilmore
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