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Re: (TFT) RE: Grouchy character sheet

>    Thanks, I'll e-mail you off list about this.
From: Michael Taylor <MichaelTaylor1@compuserve.com>

Cool! This will definitely make it more useful to me!

I've got plenty of equipment and spells if your interested as well!
Now that's the long range plan. First I was thinking of doing a 'reader' program. On I could just point at the archives and it would extract monsters and spells, then add them to the list. Now I'm thinking in the realm of a campaign, or GM specific, editor. One sets up the campaign, and the character sheet program is restricted by what the GM has added and made available. Of course both these ideas are in the "next step" category. While I've written many programs that load the data from external files, and thus are easy to expand or amend, this one is unfortunately closed. I was also using it to analyze the TFT system as a closed set. The nice thing about using Visual programing, is I can morph this code into components, which will make writting the more open ended version very easy. I figured it would be easier to iron out the wrinkles with a smaller set first.
   David Michael Grouchy II

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