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Re: (TFT) Optional facing

David Michael Grouchy II wrote:
> >From: "rsmith" <rsmith@lightspeed.ca>
> >
> >Hello everyone.
> >       One thing I did not like in TFT was that
> >the people who moved second could run wide
> >around someone facing them and get side or
> >rear hexes.
> Rick,
>    I too have encountered this.  It's a strange little story.  Years ago,
> I'm showing James Hyfield how to play Melee.  In our first fight our
> characters have six hexes between them.  I win the initiative and make him
> move first.  He closes the distance.  Now there is only one hex between us.
> I use my MA to flank him.
>    He was a little put out that he couldn't attack me that turn, but he
> didn't let it show.  We finished the fight, and he never let that happen
> again.  Something he only had to learn once.  What I didn't know was that he
> still had a lesson to teach me.
>    So about a week later James and I go out in the yard to spar with shani.
> We face off and start moving in.  Suddenly he sprints past me like the wind
> and whacks the back of my left shoulder.  I was quite suprised.
>    Not at all the head on match I was expecting.  I asked him about it and
> he said "I didn't know you could flank and individual until you did it in
> Melee."  Of course, I have never let it happen to me again.  Something one
> only needs to learn once.

I love this.  Thanks for the memory, DMG.  My version goes similarly,
with an arguement over whether one could step from a front hexside to a
side or rear hex.  'have to stay engaged', the rules say.  "From what, a
sense of honor?", drew a chuckle from the table.  Later, we're outside,
with the padded weapons, and the honorless cur tumble-rolls to a
flanking 'hexside', and rises with a flourished sweep of his blade,
setting point on me.  "Can.", he says.  Once, anyway.

>    Anyway, story aside, I like the look of your optional rule.  Two things
> about it strike me.  It feels playtested, just like you said.  Also anything
> that speeds up the fastest fantasy combat game ever made and doesn't really
> impact the realism, is great in my mind.  I think I'm going to test it out
> at my next session.
>    David Michael Grouchy II

I like it also.  One thing:  I would only allow the 'extra point of
damage with clubs, three slots to learn a spell, you know, I'm a hero'
class of TFT character to 'spin' all their hexsides into 'side' hexes. 
It's reasonable, but to me seems a learned martial skill.  Too 'fraction
of a point' to charge for, but still not something I want to see from
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