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(TFT) Branya 3

    "I galloped through the pits of hell with the other spawn."
    We see the top of his hood.
    "Walked their dark ways and saw things through their evil light."
    Looking straight down on him.
              -Glemantrious "The Glamour Trip"

I wanted to know what these chaos creatures were about. I got myself a glamour to look like one of the spawn of hell and went to join them. I joined them in their raids on the teams of adventurers. When the tide would turn against us I would flee. Go straight to a demon and report our loses. Then I would join the next wave sent in. I learned their ways. Their secret passages. How to avoid their traps. How all the loot was sent down to the deeper levels. I found that when ever an entire party of adventurers was destroyed so that it had no survivors it was when we used a secret passage to attack them from behind. These adventureres would form tight little squads. Two heavily armoured dwarves in front. Three human halberdiers in the middle. And a Wizard and some archers in the rear. It was quite effective. They could concentrate a lot of power on their front. We would come out after they passed and attack the rear. Killing the wizard and archers first. It seems I had changed sides just in time. Inside of a month no party of adventurers survived. We killed them all, and they stopped coming. There were no more forays into the pits. They started to turn against each other. And we began to extend our fingers into the city itself.
    David Michael Grouchy II

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