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(TFT) Tell me something I don't know

You probably know this but when Metagaming folded Gamelords modules for TFT, Land beyond the Mountains had the two up and coming expansions for the major cities in Dihad and ??? (escapes me).  Losing that Metagaming franchise did not keep them from producing the two city modules and recreating history and placing them in their Thieve's Guild universe of the Free City of Haven.  I believe the two cities were placed to the northeast of Haven or at least that is where I placed them.  The lands around Haven were where my campaign was set in the 80s.  The campaign was eventually extend up north but it ended because we became involved with MERP.  I still have the characters papers in my TFT mess (40-45 pointers).   Although I used Haven primarily,  I used the Caverns of Thracia (Judges Guild), the Mines of Keridav (originally Phoenix Games and then Gamelords), and the Lost Abbey of Calthonwey (Phoenix Games) as places the characters went to in this epic campaign.  Has anyone tried either Mines or Abbey?  I had a system for changing stats from Thieve's Guild to TFT but you would have to look in the archives.  Sorry but my TFT stuff is under all my Harn stuff and my Advanced Heroquest stuff  

   Yours in Cidri and Haven,


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