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Re: (TFT) HTH mechanics

Self-correction to proposed HTH entry rules: fending off should include Unarmed Combat, and success rolls to fend off, or to cause HTH, should be figured as to-hit rolls, rather than plain 3/DX rolls, so it's clear that effects like Defending, Blur, high Unarmed Combat talent, and so on will affect these.

1) Use the by-the-book TFT rules, whichever sequence you prefer, though I would tend to choose the "during movement" system listed under the HTH rules themselves, since they are more specific, with the one-die roll replaced by the following new rules:
2) When a figure moves to attempt HTH from the defender's front or side 
hex, if the defender has not yet taken his action for the turn, then the 
defender gets the option to strike at the attacker immediately using 
Unarmed Combat talent or any ready weapon larger than a dagger - this will 
use the defender's action for the turn. The to-hit roll is resolved 
normally, but is one die harder if the attacker entered from the side. If 
the defender hits the attacker, HTH does not occur and the attacker remains 
in the hex from which he attempted HTH (*). If the defender misses or does 
not attack, the attacker must roll to enter HTH (figured as a to-hit roll 
doing no damage) - if they fail, the attacker remains in the hex from which 
they attempted HTH (*).
   (* - If HTH attempts are interpreted as occurring during movement, a 
failed HTH attempt stops the attacker's movement, but does not cost them 
their attack. If instead, HTH attempts are interpreted as being an action, 
a failed HTH attempt uses the attacker's action for the turn.)
3) If HTH does occur, each figure has the option to immediately drop their 
weapon and/or shield (weapons larger than daggers are useless in HTH, and 
shields offer no protection, but dropping them is not strictly required). 
Also as HTH begins, if the defender has a free hand (due to immediate 
dropping or otherwise), he has the option to try to draw a dagger (if he 
has one reachable) - this require a 3 die roll versus DX to succeed.
   (Optional rule: a 17 on the defender's dagger-draw roll means the 
dagger falls in the hex. An 18 means it falls into a random adjacent hex, 
unreachable from the HTH hex.)
4) Choose one of the following optional rules:

4a) If HTH does occur, both figures fall down in the defender's hex.

4b) When HTH occurs and at the start of every turn including the first, each standing figure in HTH must roll 3 dice vs. ST or fall down. If a figure doesn't fall down, resolve HTH normally except standing figures are not at +4 to be hit, and when HTH ends they won't need to take a turn to stand up.

PvK =====
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