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Re: (TFT) Melee and Heroscape - House Rules


Wow! ... a lot of good work here.  Of course I have comments ... 
lol   :) 

Yeouch!  Can you reformat the table?   Maybe something like this would 
be a tad easier to read. 

RACE           Hobbits   Dwarves   Humans    Elves    Horse 
H number          1         2         3        3        4 
1d6 Fall Dmg      2        3-4       4- 6     5- 8     3-4 
2d6 Fall Dmg      3        5-6       7- 9     9-12     5-6 
3d6 Fall Dmg      4        7-8      10-12    13-16     7-8 


Determining Who Can Attack Who 
I'm not about the "if A can attack B, then B can attack A" provision. 
I understand the issue about playability.  But suppose I have a Giant 
vs a Hobbit who is one tile height below.  What I think I would do is 
figure the attacking possibilities from the shoulder height of the 
attacker.  Might mean breaking a tile height into 4ths.  Figure your 
shoulders are at 4X the tile height of the tile you are standing on 
plus 3.  Your arms give you a reach of 1/2 your height.  Thus you 
can't attack someone at or below your feet without kneeling or coming 
down to their level. 

Prone Figures 
Under the system I propose, prone figures would have a height equal to 
1/4 of their height when standing. 

Height Advantage 
This doesn't track.  I think there's a knee in the curve ( no pun in- 
tended ) ... its probably worth a +1 to attack someone if your 
shoulders are 1 level higher than theirs - but more than that can 
actually generate a penalty!  Again, this is for unarmed combat.  If 
you're using a weapon, add its length to your "arm reach" and compute 
accordingly.  One handed weapons probably add 1/4 to 3/4 of your base 
height, two-handers maybe 3/4 to full base height. 

Thats all I've had time to read so far.  Looks very interesting so 

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