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Re: (TFT) 1977

Jay Carlisle, you are truly the last of the great TFT philosophers.

On Aug 25, 2007, at 4:26 PM, Jay Carlisle wrote:

Well, Its Finally Out:

Designers Notes and Errata

For The Fantasy Trip

By Steve Jackson

Webmaster's Note: This article was originally published in The Space Gamer No. 29, July 1980. I was 14 years old at the time, but never mind that. This article is copyright 1980 by Steve Jackson Games and is used under license. Please don't post it on your website, sell it, etc. (for the life of me I can't remember if this came off of Mr. Heartley site or .... I'll look it up later but for now I hope I'm not offending by quoting this little bit...)
Work on The Fantasy Trip has dominated the last three years of my  
life. It bothers me a little bit to realize that. Would I do it  
again? Maybe. But not the same way.
It started in early 1977...

Just as I start to type this one ESPNs "The Bronx Is Burning" came on...
Okay let's see
Rumors by Fleetwood Mac
Hotel California by The Eagles
Happy Days was the Top show here in the states and the 2000 almanac list of top 45 rated programs lists 7 for '77, more than any other year (thanks to Roots) The first mass market PCs were launched (did Gates sell the non- existing MSDOS to IBM this year? If so then also the birth of the largest personal fortune in history)
according to VH1 '77 was a siminal year for Disco, Hip Hop and Punk. (1 outta 3 ain't TOO bad)
A personal sad note we lost Groucho
Melee appeared
also in '77 another little title came out.
Squad Leader

a very quick analysis
Melee 1.3m hex sts (side to side)
ITL each hex represents a megahex on the labyranth map ergo 4m sts
Squad Leader 40m hex sts

If you want mass combat you couldn't possably ask for a more fortunate coicendince.
Also I never did care for the skill Tactics. Guess what the enemey  
will do my sweet bippy... howz about
"A figure with this ability is represented by a leader counter in  
mass conflicts..." or some such nonesense?
by the by The TFT melee Simulator ()2004 Christopher Fuhrman -- All  
rights reserved) was insanely useful in my sad attemps to fathom a CRT
one more thing I noticed lately, just odd really but VH1 recently  
ran a Rockdoc on 1977 and ESPN also has a '77 show on currently.  
Normally the Silver or 25th anaversary is the big deal not the 30th  
(Pearl I think). No biggie but an odd scyronisity none the less.

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