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Re: (TFT) Re: TFT Digest V3 #1004

On Mon, April 28, 2008 1:29 pm, Jay Carlisle wrote:
> This is FINE by me.
> It's also a much more intresting mental picture than before.
> I can see that better AND base my "plans" acordingly.
> Now how about a Talent for "narrow gestures"?
> eh he he he HE HA HA HA!

Actually I have many many weird skills in my various game worlds - works
well in GURPS but we started doing it in TFT despite the Talent system.

You might also want to see GURPS for rules about explosion effects with
different levels of energy.

> Also, have you looked at the retinue the Barron rides around with in
> Goblin?
> Speaking of that, what are your thoughts on the price of a pound of flour
> in Goblin based on acerage and that 'plunder' thing?
> Say the plunder is flour not gold.
> The goblins are hungery.

No I haven't looked, so I don't have many thoughts about it, except it
sounds interesting, though getting into economics...
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