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(TFT) Focus, grasshopper.

Environments contain a complex array of stimuli of all kinds - light waves, sound waves, vibrations, airborne molecules, and so on.
However, from any individual animal's standpoint only a few events carry information that increases the probability of making correct behavioral decisions, and behaving means making decisions - about which muscles to contract and which to relax, about when to move and when to remain still, about which objects to approach and which ones to avoid.
'Animal Behavior; an evolutionary approach' 1975

Components of Nervous Systems and their functions.

1: Sensory Receptors detect information - reporters, observers, spies, satellites, sonar, radar, etc. 

2: Sensory Interneurons relay information - newspapers, tv, the internet, post office, pony express, royal road runners, telephones, etc.
Think road building in Civ, or even better think Transport Tycoon inside Civ for road building.
(lol, think Quake for driving the spikes for the railroad in TT that connects two cities in Civ, lol, "I" can do John Henry! lol)

3: Decoders analyze information - intelligence organizations, advisors, me, etc.

4: Command Cells make decisions - leaders

5: Motor Interneurons relay decision - usually along the same channels as in 2 above...

6: Muscle Cells execute decisions - police, soccer team, employees, citizens, etc.

" In practice, of course, it was not possible for the emperor to rule so enormous a country as China personally. The two Han dynasties marked the beginning of rule through a nationwide bureaucracy of officials who, though answerable to the emperor, acted mostly on their own initiative. (Chancellor Dongalor)
Despite rebellions, periods of governmental breakdown, and various reform movements, the bureaucratic system survived into the 20th century.
Two aspects of that system - its method of recruitment and the extent of its control - are particularly relevant to the development of the secret societies.
Civil servants were recruited through a system of public written examinations, which were theoretically open to everyone, regardless of class.
Naturally, not everyone who entered the examinations passed, and this meant that there was always a large number of men, well educated in the literary sense, who could not find employment in the civil or military services.
In times when the imperial power was weak or corrupt, such men might well be tempted to join the peasants in opposition to the government; secret societies of rebels were also likely to benefit from their leadership.
The bureaucracy did not penetrate to the villages; its lowest offices (the "yamen") were situated in market towns. Indeed, it was believed that the government should not be concerned with the regulation of people's everyday lives.
Partly because of this belief, and partly because communications were slow (Interneurons), the greater part of ordinary people's activities, which were centered on the villages, fell outside the central government's control."
'Chinese Secret Societies' Barbara E. Ward.

Are we beginning to see how Units are going to work?
In the same way that hexes have a serial number that provides the stimuli or information for the area a Figure has a serial number that gives what Units the Figure is part of and in what capacity.
Kinda like a long MOS designation.

This is Timeline info.

Source Records of the Great War
(7 volumes and 3000ish pages with a ridiculous number of articles and contributors; I'll write the bibliography later...)

The Assassination of the Austrian Crown Prince (June 28, 1914) Whose victim and whose opportunity?

The Kaiser's Decisive Step (July 5, 1914) The Hohenzollerns plan to divide the world among their followers.

The First Ultimatum (July 23, 1914) Austria's impossible demand to Serbia.

Breakdown of the Ancient Diplomacy (July 23-28, 1914) Europe, waking from its 'fools' paradise,' faces the spectre of World War. (See also 'The Failure of Diplomacy, The Origins of the Cold War. 1975)

Austria Opens the War (July 28, 1914) Serbia becomes the champion and martyr for nationality.

The Second Ultimatum (July 31, 1914) Germany declares War against Russia (Aug. 1).

France Accepts the Struggle to the Death (Aug. 3, 1914) The climax of forty years of fear.

Belgium Resists for Honor's Sake (Aug. 3, 1914) German materialism meets the imponderable forces of the spirit.

Britain Enters the War (Aug. 4, 1914) The "Scrap of Paper" and the "Hymn of Hate".

Those are chapters 13 - 21 of volume I - How the Great War Arose.
The first 12 are used for purposes of set up, for WW I at least.

Let's say that it's Jan. 1st, 1914.
Your Figure is King Albert and the Kaiser wants you in a can.

This event is in your future, unless of course you sniff it out and manage to do something about it.
I have all the major players WELL documented, and as many of the minors that were publicly adknowledged.

Delivered by the German Minister in Belgium, Von Below Salesk

Brussels, August 2, 1914.

(Very Confidential)
Reliable information has been received by the German Government to the effect that French forces intend to march on the line of the Meuse by Givet and Namur.
This information leaves no doubt as to the intention of France to march through Belgian territory against Germany.
The German Government cannot but fear that Belgium, in spite of the utmost goodwill, will be unable, without assistance, to repel so considerable a French invasion with the sufficient prospect of success to afford an adequate guarantee against danger to Germany.

They go on to declare how they will be invading without viewing it as an act of hostility unless the Belgians resist.

That's what a Declaration of War looks like.

I wonder what loosing the 'Mandate of Heaven' looks like?
Is it like a cancer, or is it more like terets syndrome?
Terets would be more fun from a role-playing standpoint I think.
Uhhh that's speaking from the Society as Slime Mould pov, from your or my point of view it looks like a revolution and I'd imagine the only cells of mine that would be aware of anything would be brain cells...

I suppose I must have gone WAY over the deep end cause nobody's saying anything.

If the game can do combat but it can't do sports without a separate ruleset then there is something fundamentally wrong with the game as many sports are ritualized combat.
The rest of it?
I get a lot of young 'uns playing.
I use reference materials to try and encourage them to study what their interested in because they can apply some of it in the gameworld.
It sometimes works pretty well with me pier group too as a player can correct my information, for example, and the whole group learns a little something.


I've been through the looking glass so many times I've lost count.
I guess that would be bad if I wanted to get back to where I started from.
Still, I should try to make a map or something.

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