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Re: (TFT) Whats in your rig?

----- Original Message ----- From: "PvK"

Traveling to GM, I take a satchel with the needed stuff usually organized into cardboard folders (pee chees, but only some of my original TFT stuff is in actual pee chees - the newer folders are colored which makes things easier to find). I have several fishing tackle boxes to organize counters, and 1" hexagon transparent overlays so I can use battlefield maps drawn on anything and then overlay a hex grid. A firm cardboard ruler calibrated to the hex grid. I also have some tomes (cloth bound blank paper books in which I have all sorts of my own notes, rules, GM materials). Nice colored dice in black, purple, ivory, white and red, which I use in secret ways to do arcane GM rolls.

Hi Peter, and thanks for the share.

I'z elbow deep into DRN's and drn's when my History Chanel, force my brain to multi-task at all times, background monotor process paied off large.

Consider Timewave Zero.

This guy forgot he was playing a game and took it as being far too real.

However; for RPG purposes this is FANTASTIC!
This cute little function only came to my attention because of the arbertray decission to fix the zero point at the winter solstice in 2012. But I don't really care about that... I'm just a poor lil' GM strugeling hard to always stay that half-step in front of my players. What I DO care about is the fact that I have "zero points" all over the place on my Timeline.

I view everything used in the play of the game as a piece of equipment, and ergo subject to rules like a sport. This made me focus on the Timeline as a playable "map" with time travel being the obvious example here.

So with something like this the folks who want their Game-World to be a static, no matter what the players do the G-W will remain the same from a "Sim" pov will have a Timeline with a very high "Habit". The flip-side can run so far as to encompass players having enough control over the resources/population as to actually defiy the GM; "NO! the people and resources under my control will help the enemey of your storyline (like the player having control of the forces of Gondor and NOT attacking Saron buut rather aiding Saruman... from an "Author's" pov that really sucks for the story as we know it... but from a... choice? pov... ?

So how to try and quantify that choice "fairly"?

Well... I might start by counting how much population/resources are involved in my "Action". It's kinda neat that we already have a statistical set for estimating folks ah la ST, DX & IQ.

Make a "habit" Action and ya take that measure with ya elseif your against it (or skirtin the edeges (high Fortune) "profitering" off the war and such).

The success or fail of the secenario/Action can then be used to affect the Timeline judging off of more concreate values like affected manpower or resources.

Also whats nice is how the thing is resonate.
You can take how the players "LEAVE" one Timeline and use the resonace to build the next age... this kinda shit is gonna go down around THIS time unless y'all adress it because ya left a res off of how ya played the LAST age.

I am getting very, very good at this kinda thing..... =====
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