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Re: (TFT) Power


I think my assumption is that the patents for incandescent lights went down in 1880.
Kinda like the 86 "processor" (on a Z100 bus).
What IQ was THAT research?
For that matter, how much bulk IQ for a 'Manhattan Project' and what specific "high IQ breakthroughs" are required? Seeing as the slapping of two masses together at x velocity ain't no "breakthrough" I'd suggest this is an issue of finding the proper Talents for prospecting and production.

Why wouldst thou fugue a thing centrifugaly?

something that drives away or out < febrifuge < vermifuge

a musical composition for a definite number of parts or voices, in which a subject is announced in one voice, imitated in succession by each of the other voices, and developed contrapuntally PSYCHIATRY a state of psychological amnesia during which the subject seems to behave in a conscious and rational way, although upon return to normal consciousness he cannot remember the period of time nor what he did during it; temporary flight from reality
Etymology: Fr < It fuga < L, a flight < fugere: see fugitive

They both seperate out. =====
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