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Re: (TFT) RE: Heat and temperature

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Tapley"

At 16:26 -0400 5/8/10, George wrote:
I kind of wish that it was explained to me this way a quarter of a century
ago, when I was struggling with thermo & physics.

Thanks! Hope it helps. As the erudite Miss Tapley is likely still
reading and has a Physics SAT coming up, I figured I'd just try to
sneak in a little educational material...

Anytime you feel like dropping some knowledge on the list is a'okay with me at least. If RPG's have missed anything, they seem to have missed the possabilities for educational opertunities. (not altogether true... I understand there are now some RPG-like activities for the educational setting)http://www.lesd.k12.or.us/CSD/ushistory/teacher_materials/Lockhart/

I don't think the "focus" should be on education... it's a game afterall, and other aspects like the socilization involved in RPG's can be important these days too, but getting precocious munchkins together face-to-face AND teaching them a little something along their interests along the way certianly ought not ta hurt?

I'm becoming pretty confident that if I keep my units straight, and colapse the details down to a rough aproximation of TFT (impossable to match TFT compleatly because of a few "holes" in the design) that I can connect the flavor of a TFT "adventure" to common refrence material. This bloody i-touch has all my TFT rules (plain text TFT wasn't a waste and Lord Inar's Table of Contents makes finding what I need MUCH easier) and I suspect that an i-pad will eliminate many of my maps from my "Wizards Chest", i.e. the stuff I carry with me to GM somewhere away from my Wizards Lab/house... I have the backyard staked out in hexes (the origional Melee battlemap) much less the whole of the half-finished attic floor painted in square hexes. But my Wizards Chest is shrinking rapidly... I can now lug a whole lotta "props" that I'd have never dreamed of years ago.
The square hex is VERY visual.
I can tie it to what I call "top of the model" aspects, like many (IMHO) undersung efforts at visually pleasing counters, terain maps, models, and other niffty little counters and whatnot that can't help but draw you into the gameworld a bit deeper imaginativally speaking that we have available on this list (and web-ring, etc.). I can tie it into refrence material... spit me an area in sq ft and I'll count squares on the graph and etc.
I think this is very important.
How do I know if I'm stronger or weaker in your gameworld if we don't have an objective measure of what 1pt of ST measures EXACTALLY (game exactally; argueing can be half the fun)?

I'm thinking Nigel's famious quote... "but these's go up to eleven."

Working on the rules of a game is the "underside" aspect perhaps.
A square hex makes counting "very general physical data pretty simple.
How did the 'top-model' guys 'draw' it?
It's visually countable.
The "units" used to 'count' physical data (like square feet for area) are generally tied to as many common refrence units as I can think of.

Dropping the whole TFT 13" square (the general in 1 square = 1 sq ft) down a level of "drawing" a 1" hex that REPRESENTS ~1.3m across from side to side I end up with 16 squares, each group of 4 representing a length of about 13" making each square at this scale about 3.25" across.
At this scale these measurments are what I call "body relative".
If it fits in Joe Averages palm (Joe defined by ME) then it fits in a three and a quarter inch square... in area.
ughhhh you ask about height... I'll adress that in a seprate post.
A gamemasterless game is actually WAY doable... it's just convincing your players it's so. Most of 'em wanna try their hand at power... the more realistic you make 'em feed the source of power, i.e. population (unless they intend to embody ultimate power... the dark lord's quest) the more you bind what they can unleash. Make them play their kids (ah la Pendragon... also manage estates) and all of a sudden what's left might be of concern... ... =====
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