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Re: (TFT) slide rules

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jay Carlisle"
Subject: (TFT) slide rules

As quick as I think I have something figured out I turn out to be wrong.
M$ word is messing with me yet again...
I know more about dead-reckoning navagation than the people my age who pilot for a living, and I don't know much... My Check vs. modern calculators is a lot poorer than most "kids"... but my slip-stick goes in the woods w/o charge or reception.
As stupid as I am... these cats are CLUELESS!

Still, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to learning the latest version of whatever the latest version it is you need to know to appear all polished and such... I've got things to do... if I can't do them w/o this... STUFF then I wonder if their worth doing at all. It's not like the best 'stuff' hasn't proven un-maintainable over time before...
"My brother once got our dead battery started with like, bird feces and 
"I'm a, like genius eh?"
Or something like that...

Direct Checks
Stat = Base
Breaking a board with a punch is a ST Check
Performing a maneuver (juke) while running a pass-route is a DX Check
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