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Re: (TFT) Jay keeps writing...


You don't need to reinvent the wheel.

You could simple use MGRS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_grid_reference_system) to reference your world
and then link to campaign map, etc.

>From the site:
    * 4Q ...................GZD only, precision level 6B0 C 8B0 (in most cases)
    * 4QFJ .................GZD and 100 km SQ_ID, precision level 100 km
    * 4QFJ16 ...............precision level 10 km
    * 4QFJ1267 .............precision level 1 km
    * 4QFJ123678 ...........precision level 100 m
    * 4QFJ12346789 .........precision level 10 m
    * 4QFJ1234567890 .......precision level 1 m

The "letter" level seems to correspond to your "top scale"
and of course the ten digit scale is individual "hexes" (squares really), so maybe that's too far down.

The eight digit scale gives you a 10x20 map using only two numbers (e.g., 4QFJ12346789 & 4QFJ12356789)

Everything scales fairly well and you can always refer to a basic MGRS map to see how it should all fit together.

To see how MGRS fits with UTM (the 4Q mentioned above, see here: http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/coordsys/grids/utm.html)

You could always make the world 3 times bigger so that the precision level at 10 digits is 3m.
Then you could easily leave it at squares and use 3m (10 ft) "square hexes."

Just trying to help,


-----Original Message-----
>From: Jay Carlisle <Jay_Carlisle@charter.net>

>I use a three tiered scale system when considering adventure writing for an 
>The top scale level I consider is the campaign "area".
>The middle scale level I think of as the campaign Map.
>The bottom scale level is the set of "battle" Maps.
>It's usually easiest to set the top and bottom scales and use these to help 
>determine an effective middle scale.
>It is worth pointing out that there are always (barring extreme examples) 
>levels of scale above the top scale level as well as levels of scale below 
>the bottom scale level as described here.
>I think of the three tiered system as more of a tool to focus on what detail 
>is required to produce the kind of "stories" I want to tell.
>I call these "square degree" hexes (SD-hexes) and using the numbering system 
>described previously Easter Island lies in SD-hex H23.
>If this were the top level scale Frame I could simply write something like 
>Earth; H23 and that'd basically be it.
>However, this Page should be as small a representative area as possible 
>while still encompassing the whole island and still fitting the SD-hex 
>system (thus "relating" to my game-world).
>As a SD-hex is roughly 1000 miles across n/s and Easter Island is no more 
>than 16 miles at it largest length across I'll look at the smaller squares 
>composing the hex to see if there is a smaller Frame I can use.
>Because I'm using an SD-hex drawn like a Square-hex I should be able to use 
>the same principals of a Square-hex to apply in a more or less general way 
>to an SD-hex.

>We currently have square #9 with sides about 250 miles in length.
>That's about 62,500 square miles of area, while Easter Island has an area 
>less than 63 square miles, or about a 1000 times more ocean than land.
>If I quarter the length of a side of square #9 I get 16 smaller squares.
>If I number these sub-squares in the same fashion used to get square #9 and 
>compare this to a map of Earth then I find that Easter Island fits easily 
>into the 13 sub-square with sides 62.5 miles across and an area of almost 
>4000 square miles.
>This could be written Earth; H23,9,13
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