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Re: (TFT) Chainmail and Plate armour DX adjustement inconsistencies (was Rule clarification)

Quoting dwtulloh61@cox.net:
But TFT is small enough to be tinkerable and I doubt you can find anyone
on this list who plays strictly according to canon.  It's what makes TFT
such a fun system.
Kinda depends on what you mean by 'canon'. If you mean only with what's 
in AM, AW, and ITL, then certainly (if you were strict enough about it, 
you couldn't even write an adventure). If you mean playing such that 
nothing in those 3 books is invalidated, then there's probably quite a 
few. That allows for additions of things like spells, talents, races, 
weapons, etc. That's what I try to go for. I try to make my house rules 
extensions, rather than replacements. So there's a few more talents and 
jobs, mostly. And monsters, of course. 

Neil Gilmore
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