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Re: (TFT) Wizard mods - out of balance?

Quoting Joey Beutel <mejobo@comcast.net>:
Its an interesting discussion that I could be persuaded on, but I
disagree with your (non)proposal.
Not surprisiing, as I disagree with it myself. 

However, using the 32 points as a 'standard' for most NPCs (farmers,
guards, levied spearmen, etc) its been suggested that 32 points (and
perhaps more importantly, the number of talents this usually entails)
are too many.
I have things set up so that most adults are 32 points. But I also use 
the job tables, and you saw what sort of advancement curve that shows. 
So there's a fair number of high-point people out there. And I don't 
find the number of Talents to be out of line. A typical 32-point 
character generally doesn't go much above 11 for IQ, including most 
Wizards. That's maybe 5-6 Talents. For a fighter, a couple Weapon 
Talents, and something to otherwise help their fighting, and you're 
already more than halfway full, and that's just to get to where a D&D 
character starts. 

Neil Gilmore
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