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Re: (TFT) Space Conquest (I must be bored today...)

Quoting Joey Beutel <mejobo@comcast.net>:
I like all of your ideas. Sounds kinda similar to a game I'm currently
working on (doesn't use TFT rules, though). I particularly like your equivalent to the wizard/heroes split. Reminds me of Mass Effect, with the soldiers vs. the engineers vs. the
'not psychics' (they used some sorta tech stuff to activate psychic
like abilities). The engineers would probably be a mix in your system,
or something...
I figured on doing engineering as talents. Important ones, because 
they'd be the guys essentially making (but not necessarily using) 
Enhancements. That one point where I'm not sure about balance. In 
straight TFT, wizards use spells, and make magic items. In this, the 
'hero' class would be the ones making/researching, but not the ones 

Neil Gilmore
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