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Re: (TFT) (TFT) Risqué Talents from Interplay #8

---- rich <sca_rickard@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> Regarding the Appearance personality facet and the Street Walker 
> talent -- I read this as a character's Appearance is either initially 
> selected or randomly roll to be 8+ (per pg. 7) in order to be able to 
> buy the Street Walker talent.  After buying the talent, experience 
> points can be traded in for an additional attribute point in Appearance 
> (instead of ST, DX, IQ).  I personally think this would be a wasteful 
> thing to do, but what the heck do I know about a person's value of 
> beauty.  Obviously one would need to do this if they were an 8 or 9 
> and needed to be a 10 to move up to being a Courtesan, etc.

Magic Plastic surgery, anyone?  If someone were roleplaying that line 
of work, better appearance might lead to a better class of clientele, 
which might translate into more money, getting roughed up less, etc.  

Certainly someone might be able to buy some sort of permanent 
magical enhancement but of course this would probably not work 
down on the genetic level.  Still, some sort of permanent illusion or 
glamour might go a long way to hiding that strong overbite.   lol

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