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Re: (TFT) using exp to improve talents.

If we keep going this way we're going to reinvent GURPS.

But hopefully less complicated this time around. I'd like to try out the system, but my eyes tend to glaze over about the time I get to the section on calculating a character's Basic Lift.
- Meg

On 9/1/15 6:32 PM, Rick Smith wrote:
Hi Jeffrey
     Something that would make it hard for TFT to adapt to Dark City's
Game system is that all of the talents have to have a simple way to
be version 1, 2, 3..  etc.

   Many TFT talents do not work that way.  (I shudder to think of how
long it would take to rewrite all of my talents.)

   But I do like the idea.

   Most modern rpg use this system, Firefly (which I enjoy) does this.

   Warm regards, Rick.

On 2015-09-01, at 1:00 PM, Jeffrey Vandine wrote:

I really liked the Dark City Games method of using experience to buy skills
, spells or attributes, so have pretty much stuck with that since I first r
an across it a few years back.  And since using their system also give
s "levels" to skills or spells, that means the whole resource management is
sue of how to spend XP becomes much more complex and satisfying to them (as
well as allowing much more finely tuned characters).  You can downloa
d the rules from the DCG web site for free, and they are also included at t
he front of every DCG microquest.

      From: Andreas Davour <ante@Update.UU.SE>
To: tft@brainiac.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 8:55 AM
Subject: (TFT) XP for gold


Excuse me if this has been beaten to death many times before, as I'm new
to the list. I did a quick search of the archives, and did not find any

So, since the question came up about how to reach IQ 35, I started to
think about XP.

What kind of XP schemes are people using? Have anyone tried the
Arnesonian way of XP for gold (i.e. finding and squandering)?


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