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(TFT) GM may

Several GMs (some of whom may also be players) can co-operate on a large campaign.

If a character insists on attempting something for which he does not have the requisite talent, the GM may assign a horrendously large penalty and let them try.

 If the GM wishes to make one or more religions "effective" he may give the priests the power to affect their die rolls (or others') through prayers.

The animal will NOT attack on your orders; in a doubtful situation, the GM may make another reaction roll to see whether it will fight in your defense or just slink away.

If the GM thinks the value of a thing is well-hidden, he may make a 3-or-4-die roll against the figure's IQ to see whether he notices. (Likewise, the GM may give a figure WITHOUT this ability a 5-or-6-die chance to recognize the worth of a thing.)

Remember: this is a talent that lets the player take over one of the GM's monsters and run it as his own. The GM may decide that an intelligent monster is joining a party of its own free will - but that's not the same thing.

A GM may invent a new language if he invents a new race of creatures.

If a character suddenly needs to use a language that he is studying, but does not yet know, the GM may allow him to try it.

Every time an important item of information is presented (either by him or by those he is talking to) the GM makes a roll against the character's IQ. A missed roll means that there is a misunderstanding. GMs may be creative in inventing misunderstandings!

As a rule, half-learned talents should also be considered unlearned, though a GM may be flexible about this when the circumstances justify it.

When players find an artifact, the GM may describe it to them.

A GM may create lower levels, or treat these as dead-ends, as he wishes.

A GM who has worked out an outside world, as well as a labyrinth, may have his players face adventures on their way to or from their underground destination.

In the event of some natural disaster or social upheaval in the game-world, a GM may decree that characters have been assessed extra taxes, lost properties, etc.

In fact, the GM may wish to keep players in the dark about whether priests are really getting any advantage at all!

The GM may then assume the players keep these relative positions until they tell him otherwise.

If their base is a village or small town, their choice will be very limited; the GM may simply determine who is available, and that will be that.

 The GM may assign any chance he sees fit; the roll should be made against the party leader's IQ.

The GM may change a hireling's true feelings toward his employer if something exceptional happens.

The players may command their hirelings, but in a pinch, it is the GM who controls them.

 In such cases, the GM moves and controls his characters, just as the players do theirs. He may choose to have them fight to the death — or to surrender or run when they are losing.

This can be more interesting, because, while the GM may know a lot about the weapons and plans of the party, the monster-player won't.

If this is a business situation, the characters should try again with a better offer; if this is an encounter in the wilds, the GM may allow his characters to become hostile if pressed.

The GM may allow any number of factors to influence a reaction roll.

In many cases, the GM will tell a player to make a roll on X many dice — without telling him what he is trying to avoid. The GM may even be doing this for no other reason than to make the party a little bit nervous.

Similarly, the GM may rule out automatic success in a situation where he has said (for instance) "You can try a 20-die roll against your IQ, once a week, to do this."

Therefore, it is not unrealistic to have them appear at random intervals, instead of planning their exact locations beforehand — though, of course, a GM may plant nuisance creatures in specific locations if he likes.

Since this is the speed at which a party travels when nothing much is happening, a GM may wish to lump turns together and take 5 or 6 hexes at a time, to speed up play.

As a GM, you may find it convenient to make small counters to use on this map, especially for situations where the party splits up or is pursued by several groups of foes.

Strictly speaking, the map-maker could not map very well while holding a weapon, though a charitable GM may overlook this fact if he likes.

The GM may be creative about simulating this — for instance, asking them how many turns they ran, checking to see where they wound up, and then shouting an approximation of the turns and distances they took, once, loudly, as fast as he can.

the GM may make a 3-die roll against each character's IQ to see if anyone noticed the slope.

This rate assumes average rock; if the rock is very hard or very soft (GM's discretion), he may modify the rate.

If you go around without your gauntlets all the time, though, the GM may require you to make a saving roll the next time you go into combat, to avoid having your fingers sliced off.

(GMs may make appropriate adjustments for creatures with very good or bad hearing. A wolf, or a hero with Acute Hearing, might sense something at twice the indicated distance.)

A group without a leader, or a group where the PLAYERS are being noisy and arguing (in which case, the GM may assume that the characters down in the labyrinth are disagreeing also) ... add 5 MORE hexes to the above distances

The GM may improve the quality of play by assuming that anything the players say or do is also done by their characters.

The GM may not always want to tell the entire party what one member sees.

Another situation where the GM may impose partial secrecy is the case where the players are not totally friendly toward one another. 		 	   		  
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