Hi Everyone,
I came across Lindy Beige who has a YouTube channel.
He has made slings for many years and has a few videos on
making & using them. I watched all of his sling videos and
compare what he said to my sling rules.
— He believes that slings are less accurate than bows.
— His ranges are slightly less than what others say.
— You do not have to wind up slings for a long time. Generally,
you spin them just enough to settle the ammo into the pocket,
and then fire.
— Slingers would typically carry several slings. Different lengths
are used for different kinds of shots.
— It is totally realistic for slingers to look for ammo in rounded
— Slings do blunt trauma, arrows do impaling damage.
This is in agreement with my rules.
— He suggests that staff slings do not allow you to throw slings
faster or farther, but rather that the big change is it allows you to
fire heavier ammo.
— He says that you CAN use a shield and a sling at once. (Tho
the rate of fire would suffer.)
— Slings are less affected by cross winds.
This is different from my rules. In my rules, you can fire
small bullets farther (tho less accurately), with a staff sling.
However, in my rules, I say that you use different sized
stones (or bullets), depending on the shot you are taking. (I
don’t have you track ammo size.) So I could simply say that
someone who has a staff sling, would have a mix of ammo
with larger sized stones.
Re: slings and cross winds. Too small a difference for me
to worry about.
Re: slings AND shield. I am ignoring this. Covering up
ears and going "LA-LA-LA-LA.” (My sling rules are already more
complex than most GM’s will want to bother with. I’m not going to
put in special rules for ’sorta’ one handed weapons.)
So the net result is NO CHANGES to my rules I gave
Some of his YouTube videos on slings...
He has many videos, a large number on RPG stuff, history
(medieval and WWII), and many other subjects.
A couple of non-sling videos I enjoyed…
// is there a skill to wearing armour?
// Napoleon’s Greatest Foe. (Not who you think :-D. )
// Why are halberds that shape?
// 21 AT guns vs. 100 tanks. A WWII story.
Warm regards, Rick.