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Re: (TFT) Psionics Rules?
At 11:21 AM 10/21/98 -0400, Rick Smith <pnrsmith@istar.ca> wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
> I did some psionic rules inspired by the song,
>"Veteran of the Psychic Wars", by Blue Oyster Cult. However
>they are not very good, and I need to rebuild them.
> Don't let these shakes go on...
> Rick
>>I can't seem to rememeber...
>> Did someone do any Psionics Rules for TFT? in TSG most likely...
>>-- djar @ FD
"Veteran of the Psychic Wars", by Blue Oyster Cult.. hmmm.. Yep...
The Heavy Metal Movie...
Love to see them...
I'm thinking about building some myself, so I might want to use a
set for a basis.
-- djar @ FD
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