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(TFT) Greff's journal

Third night since leaving the dam.

Things are already getting worse, and it is that druid's
fault of course. Merrit and Lance were investigating some
suspicious movement and ran into a ghost. Up jumps that druid
and says, "Let me go, I can destroy it." The Padrone looks
doubtful but agrees and entrusts Merrick, Chroe, our only
wizard Galendaar and Lance to his protection.

We herd up the sheep together and watch for trouble.
I bet the w' Tallom brothers 12 silvers that that druid would
lose at least one person and not destroy the ghost. I would have
bet more but that was all the money I had. I'm missing all of
the cash I had in my regular money pouch. (About $30 are
missing and I will be watching that druid to see if he spends
the chipped coin from La-asamma).

The damn sheep kept talking and making noise, I
almost wished that druid would come back to shut them up.
Maybe we can make him the head peasant some time if he keeps
screwing up.

The Padrone had not assigned me to either of
the two strike groups so I acted as random patrol. A resposible
job, and I was determined to not let him down. It was tough to
watch at first with the sky bright and the forest dark, but
after twilight it got easier. I would move a few meters and then
freeze for a couple minutes and watch for movement out of the
edge of my eyes.

I kept a look out for good areas to spy on our camp and
sure enough I found a place were we could be watched from
good cover. The grass has been bent down and I found the
droppings of a ferrit or some other kind of rat! More evidence! I
figure some enemy scout was using this place to talk to that druid
using his demon as a messenger. I wanted to tell Ben Gibeah at
once but I was on patrol.

It was just after full dark and I heard a terrible
scream echoing in the dark. I knew right then that I had won
my bet, and I've never been so sorry to come into some easy

Maybe an hour later the scoutting party returned
missing Chroe n' Laeth, they are dragging that druid between
them and I figured they killed him after he got Chroe, but no
such luck. Apparently he passed out after feeding all his
strength to the ghost that got Chroe. Lance is pretty broken
up and is trying not to show it.

The guys were saying that the ghost started to
attack them but then after panicing Chroe, it talked to that
druid. It said some words that sounded like a threat or
a warning, and claimed it knew something about a metal or
muted orb. It also said something about trying to drain a
green swamp.

Then that druid woke up and claimed the ghost
was friendly. Well it was friendly to him and Chroe isn't
around to say otherwise so I guess it is. He is all worried
because his demon rat is gone. The Padrone wanted us all
to stay in camp for the night, but that druid was claiming he
was good in the woods at night and eventually convinced
Ben to let him go. As an afterthough he said he would look
for Chroe as well.

I bet Merrick $4 (all he was willing to risk) that
that druid would find his demon but not Chroe n' Laeth.

I finally got the Padrone alone an told him about
the blind that was for watching our camp, and about the
Ferret droppings. He said he would look at it in the

Anyway I need to get a couple of hours of sleep,
I have the watch just before morning.

The rest of the night passes peacefully.

John what do you do?

30 The next morning! You review your troops and plan
the days work. You would like to have the pallisade and fort
finished, and the area cleared of trees so you will have a safe
place to rest. Rarremp k' Chollen thinks if you give him a
few extra workers you might be able to finish the fort today
and get a start on the first bridge (the first bridge will be
protected by this fort.)
Looking over the half built fort, you realize
that a centaur will not be able to fire his bow from the top
of the walls. You mention this to Rarremp, and he says he
can make some scaffolding that will allow you to get to the
top of the wall, how big a priority is this for you?
If you finish the palisade/fort today, you may
immeadiately start on the first bridge but there will be a 1
hour delay while people get organized (you do not pay this
time penalty if you first start on the bridges at the begining
of a new day). Plan your scheaduals for the people under
your command. Remember you may trade off gaurds for
workmen but if attacked they will take longer to get ready.
You must choose one of the following basic plans:
Work as quickly as possible - At least 4 of your fighters act
as workmen. Goto #31.
Work with strong gaurds - Goto #34.
Work with perimeter gaurds & Send scouting party to
explore the hills over looking the area to the north. -
Goto #35
Send one scout to get a feel for the land. Deside who goes
scouting and goto #36.
Work for a while and then have a job stoppage - Keep
workmen in pallisade for a couple hours in the morning and
send a strong scouting party. Pick who will go scouting and
goto #41
Work with hidden gaurds in the woods. - Goto #42.
If any of your people are missing for any reason you may
wish to place a minimum gaurd over the peasents and go
searching the immeadiate area.

(John you have a GM so you don't have to
pick strictly from the options above.)

> In other matters, I am unable to contact Rod "Yendoran@aol.com". If
someone has an email address for him that I can use, please let me know.
all of my email to him is bounced, and if I send it to him and the rest

of the group, it bounces everybody (basically it rejects the message).
In the mean time, Rick, if you would forward this to him.

*** His emails have been bouncing for me as well. I have
found his ICQ number, but he has not responded to messages
sent that way either. Until he responds I can't forward the message.

> Sorry for the delay in my response.
*** No problem, anything with a day or two turn around is
fine. ***

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