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(TFT) swordwraiths

In celebration of the list being fixed, here's a bit 
of content, a nasty little idea for a creature called
a 'swordwraith'.  (Yeah, the name's the same as some 
D&D critter, but I think my take on the name is much 
better.)  Comments, criticisms, mindless flames, and 
vicious personal attacks are all welcome.


Swordwraiths are a type of undead being that occasionally
comes into existence when a weapon-wielding creature is 
slain in battle, most typically when the slain creature 
is a berserker or someone who has lavished great amounts 
of time and effort on the mastering of weapons.  Some 
portion of the slain person's spirit is drawn into their
weapon, effectively 'possessing' it and turning it into 
a swordwraith.  (This can happen with any melee weapon, 
but most typically is seen with swords, hence the name.)

Swordwraiths exist purely for battle.  Unlike many types
of undead they have no knowledge of or interest in any 
unfinished goals their progenitor may have had.  They 
are focused entirely on fighting and killing, and most
will ceaselessly seek out opponents until destroyed.
Swordwraiths with max IQ may behave more intelligently,
fleeing from overwhelming opposition or even pretending
to be normal weapons and only animating occasionally.  
Such a weapon might actually be a useful companion, acting
as a 'dancing weapon' at its owner's request, or it might
animate while its owner sleeps, going out to slay people,
incidentally making its owner look like a murderer.  (Or 
maybe it does both.  Heh...)

The swordwraith has no existence outside of the weapon.
They can animate the weapon they are in, causing it to move
and attack.  While so doing they often generate an Image of
the person who's death gave rise to the swordwraith; the 
Image will appear to be wielding the sword, but the opposite  
is more the case.  Striking the Image will cause it to 
disappear as usual, but it will re-appear next round on the 
swordwraith's DX (this does not count as an action for the 
wraith).  If the swordwraith has an IQ of 10 or more, it 
may cause itself to fall to the ground until the image 
re-forms, in an attempt to deceive those whom it is 
fighting into focusing on attacking the image.

The only way to destroy the swordwraith is to break the
possessed weapon or subject it to Exorcism.  Normal means
of weapon breakage (such as the spell) are effective.

Because the weapon is held in place more firmly by the 
animating force than by merely being gripped, it is also 
possible to break the weapon by attacking it.  Any such 
attempt must be specifically announced.  The difficulty
of effectively striking such a target imposes a 'to hit'
penalty as follows:

-3 if swordwraith inhabits a weapon doing 1d+1
   or less damage
-1 if swordwraith inhabits a two-handed weapon
-2 otherwise
PLUS: an additional -2 if the former owner wielded the
     weapon with Fencing ability.

If the weapon is struck roll damage as usual and roll 
damage for the swordwraith's weapon.  If the other 
weapon's total is higher the swordwraith weapon has 
been broken.  All magical bonuses on both weapons are
applied normally for this purpose--other than the 
'flaming weapon' enchantment.  An 'immune to break 
weapon' swordwraith rolls an extra die to resist breakage.

ST: as needed to wield the weapon in question
DX: 2d4+6, or former owner's DX if it is known
IQ: 2d3+6
MV: 12, flying
Damage: by weapon type, with bonuses for fencing
        if applicable.

If the possessed weapon is enchanted, all such enchantments 
function normally. The wraith must use the fST shown above 
to power any enchantment requiring fST.

Swordwraiths appear to sense their surroundings by a sort 
of 'spatial awareness' akin to radar.  They are also 
sensivitve to vibrations in the air.  For most purposes 
they can be considered as having normal hearing and sight
with no perception of color.  They do not have any sort of
ability to sense 'life' the way many undead do.

If you desire random creation of these critters keep them
quite rare, no more than one in a hundred slain berserkers
would give rise to a swordwraith.  They typically arise 
one full day after their progenitor's death.

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