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(TFT) psychology of castle building

This is a delicate subject and if anyone gets upset by mentioning this
please accept my apologies in advance:

One thing about the WTC disaster was how vulnerable they were, which made me
think of discussions of castle vulnerabilities and how castles may not exist
in a fantasy world as they are vulnerable to attacks which wouldn't exist in
a nonmagical medieval world.
Another way to look at this may be that a castle or tower of an
overlord/ruler IS vulnerable, but the object is such a psychological symbol
of the ruler's power (Castles being the ancient equivalent of skyscrapers)
that any attempt to destroy it will be met by such ferocity from the ruler
that someone better be pretty strong or devious to avoid it. Thus the
psychological rather than physical means of defence.

(PS: We over here are pretty blown away by the Sept 11 events. I have photos
of me on top of them in '89 and am spun out by the thought of them not being
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