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(TFT) Favorite Campaigns

That sounds cool.  
My favorite campaign involved three players who, as a group, found three magic items so powerful that they were willing to put them on despite the curse of evil servitude for one year.  The curse turned them upon their own towns, pitted them up against unarmed and armed citizens alike.  It was a bloodbath.
My second favorite involved being hired to guard a room in a dungeon.  On the way in, after being hired, we passed all sorts of rooms with friendly groups of fighters, creatures, animal handlers, and wizards.  Each room was setting up in a 9am time to return to work kind of way and it definately hilited the absurdity of most D&D style dungeon crawls.  "Oh look, in this next room there is a dragon."  The guide showed us to our room and we set up an ambush and waited.  Then groups of heroes would venture into our trap.  Backwards, but fun.
Good Fortune,
Rick Walters 
-----Original Message-----
From: gavatar@comcast.net
To: tft@brainiac.com
Sent: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 1:26 AM
Subject: Re: (TFT) My three rules of GMing

My favorite campaign set-up required the players each to create a character who was a Circus Performer. The circus would travel from town-to-town, and the players had a valid, plausable & practical reason for staying together, and a clever way to set up new adventures, aside from the age-old, "We go into a Tavern looking for a New Adventure." schtick. 
Players included a Knife-Thrower (assassin), an Escape Artist (theif), Strongest-Woman-In-The-World (warrior woman with giant-blood in her veins), an Dwarf Jester (martial artist / acrobat), an Animal Trainer (Ranger/Naturalist) and a Master of Illusion (wizard). 
Gav ===== 
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